Am I gay or am I going too far?

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    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      Curious-and-Depressed wrote:

      I know of musicals that were made 20 years before I was born,

      lmfao what does this have to do with sexuality?

      In all seriousness though, I agree with what a lot of other people are saying though, don't let any stupid labels bother you so much. Just be who you are, don't concern yourself with fitting a certain label or something. With anything, be it sexuality, friends at school, or fashion style.
      Waiting, for redemption, for elation, for the time when I ascend. For the ecstasy, for the tragedy, for the point of my ascension.
    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      If you want to experiment it's your choice. You want to? Then go the end you know for sure what your orientation is...and sometimes it changes. i think bicurious isnt bllshit many people i know have been bi-curious and turned out perfectly straight. =) i say go experiment with same sex if it makes you feel any better *shrug* idk.
    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      Last night I had a dream again about Harrison, the friend I dreamed about earlier. We didn't kiss, date, live together, we were regular age, and he came out of the closet. I hugged him because I could tell he was stressed, and I told him it was gonna be alright and stuff, then I woke up.

      Does this change anything?
    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      Here's an idea: Stop being a pussy and admit that you're attracted to whatever you're attracted to. There's always a way to retain your reputation no matter what. I'd be the person to ask. And it's this easy:

      "I heard you sucked John's dick!"

      "Yeah, so what?"
      [CENTER][FONT="Georgia"]"His emblem is [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="1"]BAPHOMET[/SIZE][/FONT], the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love."[/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      C & D

      You are putting W-A-Y too much pressure on yourself !!!

      Sexuality is usually NOT black or white. MOST people (since the begining of time) fall somewhere in between (all the shades of grey).

      Instead of trying to decide........why not just enjoy whatever comes your way !
      At some point in your life, you will truly FEEL what direction you should lean.
      Until that time, cherish ALL the experiences. They are what makes your life precious
      and unique.
    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      Hate to be the devil's advocate, but only you can decide on where you like guys and/or girls. Watching girl-guy or guy-guy[in your case] porn wouldn't really help because you might just turn out to be a sexual kind of person. Not that being sex crazed is great or anything, but you might just like sex/nakedness in general. Find someone you feel like you truely have feelings for be it a guy or girl. If you end up not liking them, how is that different from straight guys dating girl after girl? You may find out you didn't like the person's personality instead of the physical attractiveness.

      As for the noctural emissions, some of ushave them, and some of us don't. All together, I've had about three while a friend of mine, aged 33, has yet to have one. Just remember, we're all born original, so we all don't have the same exact situations happen to us.

      As for experimenting, once again, that's completely up to you and extenuating circumstances.
    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      Curious-and-Depressed wrote:

      Last night I had a dream again about Harrison, the friend I dreamed about earlier. We didn't kiss, date, live together, we were regular age, and he came out of the closet. I hugged him because I could tell he was stressed, and I told him it was gonna be alright and stuff, then I woke up.

      Does this change anything?

      I wouldn't jump to conclusions right away, since that wasn't really a sexual dream. It sounds like youre either worried about him as a friend, or you secretly want him to be gay because you have a crush on him. Not saying that you do, I'm just telling you what I would think if i had a dream like that.
      Hope is like a butterfly, it can be killed with one quick movement.
    • Re: Am I gay or am I going too far?

      I feel like this thread is from a while ago, and nobody is going to see my response but I personally think you are straight. I could take a handful of "straight teenagers" and stick them in front of a naked guy, and they most likely would get aroused. For most teens, sex in general is arousing. In my case, I am straight. I have a strong attraction to girls, sexually & emotionally. I am currently dating a girl also, and sometimes just being around her turns me on. However, if I saw a guy naked I probably would get a boner. It's called hormones. It's called being horny. It's called puberty. It's called being a teenager. Most people question their sexuality anywhere from 12 to 15. Not everybody, but most people. For some, same sex attraction is purely a phase, for others it's what stays with them forever. Which is completely fine by the way. The point i'm trying to make is, let your hormones settle down a little bit before you make any life decisions like this. As someone mentioned above, you could be bicurious. Despite some peoples beliefs, it is a thing. In time, you will know what you are. I've questioned my sexuality before, and I got into a complete irrational panic about it. Until finally, I concluded I wanna shove my cock into a girls tight pussy. :) Excuse me for being so blunt there.

      I'll end this though by giving a final piece of advice, sexuality doesn't just happen. Phases do. If your really gay, you'll likely know it before puberty. You'll feel different maybe, from other kids. Maybe you only noticed boys on the playground? When I was a kid, I was friends with the girls, boys too, but mostly the girls. I'm the youngest in my family, and the closest too me is my sister, so I looked up to her a lot. Copied some of her mannerisms when I was young (because let's be honest, children copy what they see) and my older brothers were much older and not around too often. I never had a stereotypical interest in sports, and beating the shit out everyone that had an issue with me like some people think is typically boyish. Everybody is different, and how you behave and act doesn't reflect on your sexuality. Sexuality is what your attraction is. If your something other than heterosexual, it's not likely that one day you'll wake up and say "Hmm, I think i'm gay" a part of you will have known all along. When I started questioning in seventh grade, and a TINY bit in eighth grade, but never before is what tipped me off that it's just a regular phase. Your welcome for a great answer, that should give you some reference points to help you decide what's going on with you. :)