Weird, sudden attraction or just friendship? Please help!

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    • Weird, sudden attraction or just friendship? Please help!

      Here's the sitch:

      This dude at school keeps dropping the name game on me. :) Clitche question: Does he like me? Is he just trying to become my friend or what?

      One time in biology class, my friends and I were being stupid and passing around papers to eachother with little random sayings. Us girls got all cat-y and started throwing cuss words at eachother on the papers :3 So I write one that says "fuckwad", then one of my girl friends puts it on this guy named Michael's desk.

      He reads it looks at her and asks, "who wrote this?"
      She pointed to me. He smiled and said, "I'm gonna start using this word now." then i said: "ok just make sure to give me credit for the word."

      (Before this we had never actually talked to one another.)

      The next Monday I passed him in the hall and he yelled "fuckwad!" at me and smiled. I just kinda looked at him then smiled. Eventualy, we had free time in algebra one day and he was drawing on the white board. I got bored and watched him doodle, then I guess he saw me watching because the next thing I know he's writing "fuckwad" on the board while the teacher is not looking.

      Then one time, on my way to Spanish class, he yelled again: "hey fuckwad" I then replied with a "hey mideval dickweed." he smiled at that and then I guess sorta try and make small talk...? I dunno, we kinda argued about who owned the word fuckwad...and that somehow lead to us talking about how he was in a band so that's why he could use the word? Lol idk.

      It's just a little confusing to me, we'd never talked before and then all of a sudden we get into this whole calling eachother names senerio. Do u guys think this just his way of making friends or maybe breaking the ice?
    • Re: Weird, sudden attraction or just friendship? Please help!

      I agree with the others, I think he's trying to flirt, but can't really think of any other way to do it.
      Try giving him something else to remember you by, like if he has a car, ask him to hang out or something and do something (non destructive) to his car like... ohh idk... kiss his review mirror so it leaves a mark and he can see it. I'm not a girl, so idk how to flirt with a guy.
      If he doesn't have a car then try coming up with a new phrase that both of you agree on, I mean, do you always want fuckwad to be the phrase? lol
    • Re: Weird, sudden attraction or just friendship? Please help!

      blackbullet5 wrote:

      I agree with the others, I think he's trying to flirt, but can't really think of any other way to do it.
      Try giving him something else to remember you by, like if he has a car, ask him to hang out or something and do something (non destructive) to his car like... ohh idk... kiss his review mirror so it leaves a mark and he can see it. I'm not a girl, so idk how to flirt with a guy.
      If he doesn't have a car then try coming up with a new phrase that both of you agree on, I mean, do you always want fuckwad to be the phrase? lol

      Kiss his review mirror? Haha yyyyyeah... Nah. But I have destructive hands :( And nope, that would kinda suck if that was the phrase all the time xD

      ---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ----------

      rightwinger43 wrote:

      Cause guys are stupid.:nono:

      ~She's got a little book of conspiracies right in her hand. She is paranoid, endangered species headed into extinction.~

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TheGreenGurl ().