i think he might actually kill me.

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    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      mandy0597 wrote:

      Im 14 and last year my mom married this guy. Who was nice at first, but now he's really scary. He is always insulting me. He says things like "you'll never amount to anything" "if you get pregnant you fucking slut im fucking kicking your fat ass out" under his breath he says things like "whore" "slut" "bitch" "cock sucking whore" "cunt" hes threatened to kill me before. He throws out all my stuff. He cut the crotches out of my underwear. He's even hit me. But my mom thinks im just saying that for attention. I've never lied in my life. I am terrified that he might actually try to kill me
      ;( c

      Honestly if your mom is letting this man treat you like that then give her a slap across the face for being a shit parent. A parent should always put their kids first regardless. At least that is MY belief. You should be feel in your own home and he is NOT your father. When he gets angry like that just threaten to call the cops. If he doesn't take your threats seriously then do it.
    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      Yes they'll believe you, or even if they don't just sign yourself into care. It doesn't really matter how much trouble he gets in(Although obviously it's better if he gets in trouble) the main thing is you're safe. Just call the police asap.
      You're like the drug that I can't stop taking. I want more and I can't stop craving ^^
    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      I think that sounds like a plan then! I would go with your grandma. If your mom won't listen to you, there is no reason to stay there and be scared all the time that he could do something to you. Your grandma's sounds best right now for you. And I agree with everyone else, tell the police!
    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      It is obvious that this guy has crossed serious boundaries. Your privacy. Your pride. Your peace of mind. I seriously recommend that you contact the police. Social services. 911 if you must.
      Someone. I know you feel that the adults won't believe you but it is your best shot. You shouldn't tolerate this because you don't deserve it. Let them know what has been going on. It is best not to let the guy know about your plans or your mom either. Try to remain discreet because that will keep you the safest until you can get help.

      It sounds like your mom is in denial about what is happening. Does she know or have witnessed you being hit or abused?
      Have any other concerns or just want to talk? Go ahead. Pm me.
    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      Japaco 95 wrote:

      have you ever thought of maybe hiding a camera or an audio recorder somewhere and wait for him to say or do something. if you have proof nobody can deny it, especially if the bastard is insulting you on film

      Although it sounds like a good idea, taping or recording someone without their consent is illegal and inadmissible with the police and if the matter ever went to court. All that'd happen would be her getting into trouble, not her step-dad. Honey, you go to the police and you do it asap. He sounds like an extremely stupid and low human being, and he deserves what's coming to him.
    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      he hasnt been saying anything lately, or doing anything. hes generally been nice. its really fucking weird. maybe he's caught on. like he'll sometimes say things under his breath but i dont think they're about me. maybe he realized that he actually hurts me and is gonna be nice again... :/
    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      Hi Mandy,

      That's abuse! I am twenty two years old and I am in awe that a fourteen year old girl should be going through this! Keep your head up high. I think Linda has great things to say! I would absolutely follow her advice. It is a blessing you have your grandmother in your life but such a shame that you and your mother are having issues over this.

      I will say a prayer!

    • Re: i think he might actually kill me.

      If your mom doesn't listen to you after you tell her, try again to get through to her. If she STILL doesn't listen, you need to tell an adult that can help you. (teacher, school counselor, psychiatrist, family doctor, aunt, uncle, grandma, grampa..etc) If that doesnt work then you really need to go to the police and report it. I dont want anything to happen to you and I cant stand the thought of this guy hurting you. You should subtract yourself from the situation because it is simply unsafe. I want you to be safe and whats best for you :)