I need help approaching random girls...

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    • I need help approaching random girls...

      I'm in community college taking a few classes but theres really no time no socialize with anyone except at the end of class. I just moved and dont know anyone....no one has approached me even though I smile a lot and make myself friendly. It seems like everyone just goes to class, and leaves. I want to meet some girls and hang out but how would I go about approaching one after class? I have no idea what to say....I tried talking to one girl but it was really awkward cuz I didnt know how to keep the conversation going or what to say....this really sucks I have already been a month here and havent met anyone. It's definately not like high school where I had a lot of friends and its easy to meet people. Do you think getting a job at Abercrombie for 1 day a week would be a great way to meet people?

    • Re: I need help approaching random girls...

      Ive never been approached by a girl that was interested and pretty much all of my friends have. Could it be that maybe I'm ugly? Even though a lot of people tell me I'm really good looking and they say girls could be intimidated. But I dont believe that....
    • Re: I need help approaching random girls...

      Zillion01 wrote:

      Ive never been approached by a girl that was interested and pretty much all of my friends have. Could it be that maybe I'm ugly? Even though a lot of people tell me I'm really good looking and they say girls could be intimidated. But I dont believe that....

      if by "a lot of people" you mean your mom/sister/aunt, etc....than yes, you are probably ugly.

      so did you not talk to girls in hs? its the same thing as talking to girls now. join a club maybe?
    • Re: I need help approaching random girls...

      its always easier if there is a certain scenario happenin that u can spark a conversation.. like that job u said would definantially be a good hook.

      just be casual, act like ur talkin to a bro, but without the cursing and vulgar language. .

      put urself out there, and YOU WILL BE REWARDED, and RIDICULED, but thats life... not every time u start socializing, the chick is going to be into you, just pick up on the hints, and leave, usually there pretty nice about it..

      go for it G
    • Re: I need help approaching random girls...

      The job is a good idea. Except, personally, if i were you i wouldn't work at Abercrombie and Fitch. Honestly, whenever i go in there, yah i might think a guy working there is hot, but i ASSUME that he is gay. Straight guys generally don't shop at A&F, much less work there. Other girls make this assumption too, so be careful!! Maybe work somewhere safe like Starbucks (plus you get a TON of tips working there)

      I'd suggest that you simply talk to one of the girls in your class. COuld be about anything. Girls like attention. They like it when guys talk to them. Trust me
      xoxo Sarah
    • Re: I need help approaching random girls...

      Foxy wrote:

      The job is a good idea. Except, personally, if i were you i wouldn't work at Abercrombie and Fitch. Honestly, whenever i go in there, yah i might think a guy working there is hot, but i ASSUME that he is gay. Straight guys generally don't shop at A&F, much less work there. Other girls make this assumption too, so be careful!! Maybe work somewhere safe like Starbucks (plus you get a TON of tips working there)

      I'd suggest that you simply talk to one of the girls in your class. COuld be about anything. Girls like attention. They like it when guys talk to them. Trust me

      That is very ignorant/shallow of girls then. I have a ton of friends that work there and they arent gay. I think any gay guy would work at Starbucks instead. Also I dont care about money, I'm already rich.
    • Re: I need help approaching random girls...

      ..then don't get a job. In my opinion, it's a waste of time if you are not doing it for money. But if you would really ENJOY working, then yeah i suppose go for it. Just seems like a lot of unncecessary work

      why not do it the old fashioned way and talk to girls in your class.
      And yeah, i know that its shallow of girls to assume that Abercrombie guy are gay, but hey don't you judge people when you first see them? It doesn't make it okay, but it happens. it's life. I just thought that you may want to know that; sorry if it offended you..

      *And i just threw out starbucks as an idea. maybe a restaurant. whatever. i thought you would get the point.
      xoxo Sarah