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    • Re: Condom?

      It is, in a sense, their business. You're 14. You're a kid. They're your guardians, they're responsible for you. I'm not saying you have to, but telling them now that you're active would probably save a lot of awkwardness later when they find out in a less than ideal way.. It's not like you need to give explicit details, just let them (maybe just your mother) know you're considering it. And if you're so uncomfortable with discussing it with them, you're probably not ready.
    • Re: Condom?

      gary_zombie_killer wrote:

      no they dont need to know,and im on the pill for medical reasons.

      HockeyFan wrote:

      i agree
      dont tell them shit
      they dont need to know and they know youll have sex soon anyways

      It would be a good idea to tell them that you're considering being sexually active. The reason is so they can help you if anything goes wrong (Like an accidental pregnancy or STD) without having the shock of their child being sexually active. With that being said.. I also understand why you wouldn't want to tell your parents. It'll be very awkward and they may not react well to it. So it's up to your best judgement as to whether you can tell your parents. But I'd personally recommend it.

      Hockey, parents don't generally expect their kids to be sexually active at 14. Most parents don't expect their kids to be sexually active until 18+. Heck, some expect their kids to be married before having sex.
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Condom?

      Dr. Wilson wrote:

      It would be a good idea to tell them that you're considering being sexually active. The reason is so they can help you if anything goes wrong (Like an accidental pregnancy or STD) without having the shock of their child being sexually active. With that being said.. I also understand why you wouldn't want to tell your parents. It'll be very awkward and they may not react well to it. So it's up to your best judgement as to whether you can tell your parents. But I'd personally recommend it.

      Hockey, parents don't generally expect their kids to be sexually active at 14. Most parents don't expect their kids to be sexually active until 18+. Heck, some expect their kids to be married before having sex.

      I think most kids would tell their parent even if they thought what you did. Most parents wouldn't be like, "Okay dear oh! heres a condom" it not practical.
      How far do you want me to suppress myself so that you'll be satisfied?

    • Re: Condom?

      gary_zombie_killer wrote:

      Ok so im that girl who is one of the guys,and in the place of a guy i wouldn't wanna have sex using a condom,i dont want my bf to have to im on the pill but im still kinda worried...any tips?

      I actually care about how good it feels for him,he hasn't hypnotized me!

      Yeah it doesn't feel as good for him, but it won't feel good for you if there is ever a mishap and you get pregnant. With the pill it is only 99.9% effective and you have to be diligent at taking it on time as well.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Mama Bear ().

    • Re: Condom?

      HockeyFan wrote:

      pull out method is just below that and not by much

      Yes, but the pull out method does not prevent STDs/STIs, and even if it's done properly, there's still a significant risk of pregnancy. Especially if there was ample foreplay beforehand (Which there should be).
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."
    • Re: Condom?

      He will pull out,ill make him piss like 3 times so his pre cum is clean,and im working on research like spermicide,and posibly some realy good condoms,My boyfriend is a good guy,im sure i love him and my dad realy likes him,i was caught giving him a sexual noe and dad understands my time for sex will probibly be soon and his dad caught me giving him a blow job and also understands that,but in both situations it was like "you can do it,just dont get cauhght":wink:
    • Re: Condom?

      meg.loomis wrote:

      If you can't even make the effort to get downtown for a clinic checkup, you probably shouldn't even be having sex. 14 is (IMO) too young to even be thinking about sex anyway, but it's your call. But honestly at 14 (any age really) you should be using condoms too, it's not just pregnancy you need to think about. Condoms don't necessarily mean no pleasure..

      I completely agree with this is every way. If you can't take the bus how in the world can you expect to take care of a kid if you were to become pregnant? I do not enjoy using condoms either but if that is the only way to prevent yourself from getting regnant than pleasure is the last thing you should worry about. Why don't you try oral sex to get him off first. Then go onto sex with a condom. He will have already ejaculated so it's time for your fun. Trojan makes a new condom called extra sensitive and they are by far the thinnest condoms I've used. The best part? Their at Wal-Mart!
    • Re: Condom?

      S1ckAndTwist3d wrote:

      I completely agree with this is every way. If you can't take the bus how in the world can you expect to take care of a kid if you were to become pregnant? I do not enjoy using condoms either but if that is the only way to prevent yourself from getting regnant than pleasure is the last thing you should worry about. Why don't you try oral sex to get him off first. Then go onto sex with a condom. He will have already ejaculated so it's time for your fun. Trojan makes a new condom called extra sensitive and they are by far the thinnest condoms I've used. The best part? Their at Wal-Mart!

      the only one is downtown,a bad area NO ONE should be in alone.
      im not too young,im mature,at 21 i may just lose it drunk,or waste it,i know im in love now so get off my back.
    • Re: Condom?

      gary_zombie_killer wrote:

      the only one is downtown,a bad area NO ONE should be in alone.
      im not too young,im mature,at 21 i may just lose it drunk,or waste it,i know im in love now so get off my back.

      Oh come on!!
      How do you buy other stuff? Bread and milk? Pads? Newspapers? Rice? Tooth paste?
      How did you survive till now?

      Can't you go to some other less dangerous a town?
      Gas station?
      Get them by internet?
      Go with your BF?
      Buy a gun and go to town?
    • HockeyFan wrote:

      thats none of there business

      It'll be their business if she gets knocked up because she was irresponsible.

      People have given you enough solutions and it's becoming like a broken record. The bottom line is, you seem pretty irresponsible and immature still. Don't have sex yet. You'll just regret it when he dumps you. And trust me, you're fourteen. He's gonna break up with you. You may think you're mature, but you're still only fourteen and you can only be so mature at your age.

      HockeyFan;1062815419 wrote:

      whatever dr phil

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Dr. House ().