Nothing is okay with my life

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    • Nothing is okay with my life

      I've been failing at university, my family is a disaster, I don't see my friends for a long time, I feel lonely and I can't find a job. Nothing seems to do me good. Even haven't a boyfriend I like a guy but he mistreat on me.
      This time I've been changing a lot, I was more shy and now I'm telling lot of truths in the face and sometimes I say things and then I feel bad because of that. And to get worse, everyone seems happy around me but me. I'm so confused.
      The good part in all this is that I'm taking revenge of people that hurted me in the past. I don't have desire to hold on and shut my mouth, but sometimes it's a bad thing cause I'm hurting people. WTF is going on with me?
      Sorry for my English, I'm argentinian :blush:
    • Re: Nothing is okay with my life

      Honey, welcome to life. This is what it is. Don't beat yourself up over it. Okay? In the end, the one who controls what you do, how you live, and who you hurt or don't hurt, is you. If you're so desperate for change, take the initiative and change. It sounds easier than it is, but it's not as hard as you imagine. Faith, hope, strength, desire.... They're all born out of you.
      [SIZE=3]Love isn't something found or borrowed or even dreamed of. It isn't made, shown, or fought for. Love is something made, shown, AND fought for.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Nothing is okay with my life

      Don't worry, you're not alone. I found myself been in similar situations in you.. It was horrible.. im finding my way to change. let's be the one like what we want. =)
      [CENTER][COLOR="Pink"]Maybe she has a hard time trusting anyone because all they'd ever done was leave her[/COLOR][/CENTER]