Advice please..This girl is confusing me!

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    • Advice please..This girl is confusing me!

      Ive got talking to this girl i see around town often and it was going really well for a week, she said i should go the cinema with her, and have a movie day etc. im not great at reading people but i could guess that she seemed into me.

      Then one night she text me saying she likes me cause im perfect, so i text back saying i like her too. The next day she barely speaks, no texts, so i ask if she regrets what she said last night and she said that she was drunk, but she meant it but its complicated because she still likes someone else that shes trying to get over, so nothing could happen but friends just yet cause she doesnt want to lead me on or anything, so she'd want to just stay close friends for now, so after telling her i was a bit disappointed that was that

      Two days pass and she doesnt speak, text or anything, so i start a conversation and its a bit cool at first but she opens up and starts speaking normally, but she mentions lots of things that i think may be trying to get me jealous like mentioning fit guys on tv etc or things that might be hints towards her not wanting to talk to me..
      she mentioned this guy that keeps hitting on her, he saying she said that she would meet him if she didnt like someone although, she apparently never said that and that she made up an excuse so she didnt have to say no she doesnt want to meet him.
      Im thinking this could be her way of trying to get the message though to me? because i told her just say no to him and she replied she's igoring him, then she ignored me /:

      Does she like me at all? More than a friend or not even a friend? I really like her
    • Re: Advice please..This girl is confusing me!

      Well you can't help who she likes. I think she likes you as a friend and probably nothing more. Even if she was drunk and told you she has feelings for you, it doesn't mean you quite entirely. I think you should keep hanging out with her and show her truly what a great guy you are. You know she has feeling for you so make them grow.
      How far do you want me to suppress myself so that you'll be satisfied?

    • Re: Advice please..This girl is confusing me!

      Coming from a girl myself this isnt a suprising situation. Some girls have a sort of panic stage after they a guy they like them its normal! Somtimes its just from embaressment or maybe she is just having second thoughts. she is probably just as confussed as you! She might be having problems at home so dont take everything personally! But now she knows you like her she is probably feeling overwhelmed and in a way trapped because it was so rushed. People also speak the truth when they are drunk! My advice to you is to move away slightly and actasif you have gone off her and then she will wonder why! What she has done to change your mind? Its a human instinked to want what you cant have, so try it! X