Terrible, terrible thoughts

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    • Terrible, terrible thoughts

      I'm to the point where I don't see why I'm living. I have thoughts about how unremarkable I am, how little I matter, how much better off everyone around me would be if I just stopped existing. I keep calling myself names, telling myself I'm fat, worthless, ugly, obnoxious, stupid, bitch.
      My rational side says that's not true, but I can find a way to make every one of those things very logical when I'm in such a bad mood. This mood is appearing more and more often.
      Cutting just isn't doing it for me any more. It seems like a stupid little habit that's only making me a worse person. It's so easy to access some pills and alcohol... never have to wake up again.
      Everything must be my fault, and I don't feel like there's anything I can ever do to change that.
      I need some help - something to maybe open my eyes to reality again. Any sort of inspiration to be alive...:(
    • Re: Terrible, terrible thoughts

      It doesn't really matter how un/remarkable you are. You can still do things to better the world as you see it. If you love animals, you can join the WWF. If you hate animals, you can go out and eat a bunch of 'em in front of their children, and then like... poo the parent animals onto the the child animals' faces.

      It really is easier to act yourself into a new way of thinking than to think yourself into a new way of acting, so just try to find something that you think is wrong with the world, and work at changing it. It doesn't have to be anything big, to start with. It could be that you just start making a conscious effort to not litter. But you see, that one little improvement will make you feel a *teensy tiny* bit better, which will let you feel like you can do other, slightly more grandiose things. Then that lets you feel even *better*. And eventually you're running for president.