Girl trouble(and she isn't even my girlfriend!)

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    • Girl trouble(and she isn't even my girlfriend!)

      I need some help... There's this girl in my school who happens to have a last name that comes directly before mine in the alphabet. Our school uses alphabetical order via last name to place students to their lockers. So now I am "locker buddies" with this girl, her words not mine. Apparently, there are certain things a locker buddy should do. One is moving out of the way so the other person doesn't have to go around you to get to their locker. Another is telling them the homework at the end of the day. Then there's waiting for the other to finish before leaving and then walking together to the next class. I have the exact same schedule as her. And lastly you carry the other person's binder. I don't know if it's just me, but I think a couple of those things should be done by the boyfriend she doesn't have. This is all just in the first 2 weeks of school. I'm a nice guy and I'm okay with the homework thing and being nice to her, but it's getting a little too much. My friends are asking me if I'm going out with her and saying that we're the only people in the school who are locker buddies. Some heard her saying "Bye locker buddy!" and said "Locker buddies? That's cute..." I don't know what to do. I mean I don't want to be mean to her, but I don't know how much more of this whole locker buddy business I can take. She also asked me out(on a dare) and I said no. She then asked me this "Theoretically, if I were to ask you out on a real date, would you say yes?" I just looked at her and shook my head. I also was going to be on the same team as her playing soccer and when I told her I quit, she seemed genuinely concerned. I just don't know what to do. I mean we've been friends for about a year and we aren't too close but this is just too much. Can someone please help me?
    • Re: Girl trouble(and she isn't even my girlfriend!)

      Okay. Thanks for the response. I think I'm gonna keep doing what I normally do for another week and see what happens. I'll keep posting on this forum what happens. I don't really know how to tell her that she's acting like I'm her boyfriend...
    • Re: Girl trouble(and she isn't even my girlfriend!)

      You should just tell her straight. Don't be extremely harsh about it, but you do need to get the point across. She doesn't seem to have gotten the hint from your saying that wouldn't date her, or she's ignoring it and hoping that you might change your mind, but all she's going to do is keep coming on stronger until you either give in or just tell her that it's too much. Unfortunately you're leading her on until you can tell her straight that it's not going to happen. She's probably going to be a little hurt, but in the end, it's better to just do it now, before she gets even deeper into this.
      - Team Jacob
      don't forget to rep your favorite jacob loving member!:D
    • Re: Girl trouble(and she isn't even my girlfriend!)

      Sami wrote:

      Well there is no such thing as "locker buddy code" at least not any kind of code like that where you have to be her personal bitch for the whole day. My advice, learn how to use the word "no."

      This about sums it up :p there's no rule saying you have to be their slave. Hell nobody even talks to the person beside them at my school (unless they're already friends of course). But like Sami said, learn to say no. If I could get someone wrapped around my finger like this girl's done, I would haha.