Advice? Why am I such a loser??

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    • Advice? Why am I such a loser??

      why am I so hung up on this guy, we hung out for one weekend and i had to do most of the talking!

      Okay so the guy I’m talking about is a boy named Mason, cute right? and while I was at my grandmothers a few weeks ago her and her old man friend decided to introduce me and her old man friends grandson to each other. They told me he was really hot and really shy.

      When I saw him, dear lord! He was hotter than Satan! and he seemed really nice and on Saturday night we were hanging out at other one of my grandmothers friends house and he asked for my phone number, which practically made me, like I don’t know just amazing! Then we dropped him off at his house and he hugged me and it felt so nice, it did.

      Then I found out through my grandmother that Mason was supposed to go home Sunday morning to hangout with his friends but that he called his mom and asked if he could stay for the rest of the weekend. That made me happy. Then for the rest of Sunday we spent all day in the pool, which it shocked me how easy it was for me to show myself off in a bathing suit in front of him. And Sunday night he went home and before he did he stopped by my grandmothers to say goodbye to me and I know he was looking for a hug and I really wanted to give it to him but everyone was just standing around looking at the two of us so I just said bye and he left.

      Then Monday morning I texted him and he didn’t text back, I figured that maybe he felt he had to give me his phone number and that I was just annoying him. So I didn’t text him for few weeks, until last Friday in the middle of 9th period I just texted him a “hey” and like Bam he texted back and we had a brief 4 text message conversation which was ended by him not responding to my last text.

      So I figure that he was just bored and decided to text me and then I got annoying like I always do and he stopped, I bet he regets giving me his phone number, but I can’t help think about him!

      Should I continue to try and talk to him, maybe he just doesn't know what to say or something, and since I just moved to the East coast from the West coast it would be nice to have him as friend. Or should I just give up and cut him loose?
    • Re: Advice? Why am I such a loser??

      Wait what? You think you got annoying? How does that work, you only texted him a handful of times! Stop being so paranoid and expecting every person to answer instantly. Text him again another day. He obviously doesn't dislike you or he wouldn't have blown off his friends to hang with you.