How do I ask her

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    • How do I ask her

      I'm one of those overweight guys and I like multiple girls in my school but I don't know how to ask them out, I always get sweaty and teary eyed and I can't talk. I always think I'll get rejected because of my weight and I don't want to get embarrassed because I get made fun of because of my weight everyday and exercise is not an answer because I excerise 3 times a day every day for 2 hours and I only lose like 1 pound a day.... So how do i ask a girl out without being a complete laughing stock
    • Re: How do I ask her

      Off topic, but do you eat healthy? What kind of exercise do you do? As for asking a girl out, get her number and text her asking to meet up at Starbucks or something like that, then it won't be so hard to ask her out.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: How do I ask her

      You sound like a sweet guy. I don't want you to think that all females see is a guy's appearance. Some girls, sadly, would reject you simple because they feel like they would be judged... but trust me, you don't want to be with a girl like that anyhow. I don't know the exact situation you are in, but you should ask in a way that you are comforable with. Don't fear rejection... It's normal and will pass. And like I said earlier, that is not the kind of person you want to be with anyhow. I hope this helps some.. best of luck!
    • Re: How do I ask her

      Linda wrote:

      Off topic, but do you eat healthy? What kind of exercise do you do? As for asking a girl out, get her number and text her asking to meet up at Starbucks or something like that, then it won't be so hard to ask her out.

      I don't eat as healthy as I could and for exercise I lift weights and use the ab machin es at my gym

      ---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------

      Katelyn B wrote:

      You sound like a sweet guy. I don't want you to think that all females see is a guy's appearance. Some girls, sadly, would reject you simple because they feel like they would be judged... but trust me, you don't want to be with a girl like that anyhow. I don't know the exact situation you are in, but you should ask in a way that you are comforable with. Don't fear rejection... It's normal and will pass. And like I said earlier, that is not the kind of person you want to be with anyhow. I hope this helps some.. best of luck!
      Thanks this is great advice I actually have a girlfriend out her name is Megan thanks again you are the best
    • Re: How do I ask her

      xHOFFMANz wrote:

      I don't eat as healthy as I could and for exercise I lift weights and use the ab machin es at my gym

      ---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 PM ----------

      Thanks this is great advice I actually have a girlfriend out her name is Megan thanks again you are the best

      No offense but I don't think that you can really complain about your weight if you still eat junk food. Lifting weights is more so for gaining muscle, not losing weight. Why don't you try going on the elliptical and running? Why not doing a kick boxing class or a boot camp class? THOSE are the things for losing weight.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: How do I ask her

      You will lost most weight with excercise like running, biking, skipping rope.... Lifting weight in combination of eating unhealthy wont make you lose weight. So if you want to change your weight and be more healthy you should eat healthy and do cardio stuff, not only lifting weights. Cardio makes you lose fat.

      Other thing is - I advice you not to go from girl to girl asking them out. If you can't decide which one to ask, then maybe it's better not to ask any of them.
      It's something girls share, and I know what we talked about guys in HS who were going from one girl to next one, looking for one that will accept them. If one rejects you the other will too, cos she doesn't want to be the 2nd one, if you understand.

      So, work more on your health and wait for some girl that you will really like, more then other girls.
    • Re: How do I ask her

      I'm sorry i'm the exact opposite of you -.- I can't gain weight. But I do have a lot of muscle in my arms and legs so it looks weird... I'm 17 years old, 5'6 53kg which is 116 pounds - funny huh? xD

      But girls say that it compliments my personality, maybe you need to figure out what's imporant to you. If it's girls + healith : you will have the will to start dieting. :angeldevil:

      I've given up online gaming for my health I'm sure you can give up junk food!

      One last thing; confidence comes from knowing yourself and what you want - not really what you look like :)
      [SIGPIC]Your perception of the world is -how- you feel.[/SIGPIC]