Does she like me?

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    • Does she like me?


      We're both 16 y/o..Not from the same school..I know her less than 3 months(had a crush on her 3 months ago) [She's a shy girl I guess]

      When I realized I actually like her,I started with a Facebook chat with her,then I would say Hi in real life whenever I see her..Sometimes she would say Hi to me first

      Then came this 1 week school-holidays where we played this online game together..We would really chat a lot in game..She would tell me about like her family,about there was a person keep on like blaming her for everything,her problems,and she would actually wait me to wake up the next day,or I would wait her(it depends who wakes up first)..She even asked me to come over her house when I told her I was going to my friend's house (they both live in the same area)

      Then in that week there was this inter-school event..When we meet up in real life later,I was actually very shy and blushed to talk to her..She too was shy and blush .. I was looking at her from a distance(around like 5metres away)..I was looking at her then she suddenly turn her head towards me and looked me for like less than a second,she quickly turned her head back in front when she realized I was looking at her..Anyway later I mustered up my courage and I approached towards her..At first she said Hi and she wanted to ask something..Her mouth was like open then close then again and finally she like ran away..I was curious so I went to her again,this time she asked my number..I was actually surprised and shocked..In the end of the event we took a picture together and ...I was actually very afraid to talk to her and later she texted me "You never near me also" (she meant during the event)

      There is sometimes I saw her looking at me from her car..I was standing very far away I knew that her car would stop somewhere in my line of sight..I acted that I wasn't looking at her(I was with the corner of my eyes),I saw her looking at me for like 10 seconds till her car sped off..

      Oh yes,she did called me for a movie with her friends,around like 5 including me..At first I said I might not make it she reply me "T.T why?" but in the end I did make it..I was actually very quiet since I don't know her friends that much and was shy to talk with them..Later I texted her "Was I really that quiet just now?" . She said "Ya!"..I told her "Sorry,I don't know what to talk =("..She replied "I understand,kinda like awkward moments =D"...I don't know what she meant my awkward moments

      I saw her looking at the corner of her eyes whenever she passes me (well actually I didn't see friend told me she was looking at the corner of her eyes,and whenever I look at her,she would quickly turn her eyes and head away"...Anyway,I did saw once with my own eyes she did looked at me with the corner of her eyes..

      I had a feeling she wants me to talk to her because sometimes I was standing alone she too was standing alone both of us are facing each other like 3metres away..And the way she act/body language just gave me the feeling like she wants me to go talk to her..I don't know (not looking at each other lols) ...There was one time we stared at each other for like 4 seconds before she quickly turn her eyes ONLY to somewhere else..Her body and head were facing me

      One of her friend(boy) who is a good friend of mine as well knows I like her...He said it indirectly but definitely he knows I like her( I never told him I have no idea how he knows)..

      There are a lot more I will edit the post when I remember them..Please tell me if she likes me or what do you think..

    • Re: Does she like me?

      I think you know what to do but your too scared to do it and so is she. Yes, if I have to spell it out; ask her out and tell her how you feel:rolleyes:

      Live life with passion and no regrets, so when the time comes to look back you can tell her how great the relationship you -now- have was!

      I only wish I was where you are now... my whole life i've waited for the chance to make up for the exact same thing your not doing. If you were my brother I would smack you:D

      So *smack* go on brother... ask her out; just the two of you. Somewhere quiet is best, just the two of you - no distractions. It will all work out! :hugs:
      [SIGPIC]Your perception of the world is -how- you feel.[/SIGPIC]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bboy Moth ().

    • Re: Does she like me?

      Kid, you're not going to get a job if you don't apply. You're not going to rent an apartment if you don't look. You're never going to win the lottery if you don't buy the ticket. You're never going to get to know her better and be close/best friends with her if you don't talk to her. All you have to do is to get the self-confidence and the ability to say, "Yes I can." Next time you see her and want to talk to her, then walk up to her and start talking to her. Whether it be about the games that you both play, the movie that you are watching, or about something else in common. As for the awkward moments, the more comfortable you both are with each other, the less awkward moments you will both have. Sure, you may both be comfortable texting/talking online, but that won't make the cut. It's the face-to-face communication that will give you the experience to succeed not only in this situation, but in all future situations. Believe me in this, you can do it. :)