Girl i love..18th birthday..3 pills of ecstacy...please someone help me...please..

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    • Girl i love..18th birthday..3 pills of ecstacy...please someone help me...please..

      It was my 18th birthday, i had a huge part and invited the girl i love like alot, and she had a little thing for me too until i screwed it up big time..when i found out that she said she may not go for me, and i had a pill in the club, then i was fine..had another one..(she her friend were sleeping at ma house and anoter guy)..then i had another pill and smoked up..and drank alot..when i came home i was screaming her name and that i love her..when she tried to go sleep, i went and tried to kiss her and i tried to take of my shirt..and basically freaked her out i guess! (i did not remember any of this, her friend told me) day i apologized..and i never have done drugs in my whole life..i feel so guilt and depressed..its almost as fuk..i just feel so sad..i wana like do something..but i know its stupid...i been trana look for help..i just i dunno, i like her so much and she forgave me and wanted to just stay friends but then i bitched about her and shit cuz i was angry now i lost her as a friend..and i feel like im such a screw fuk, i dunno if i shuld just forget her and get on with it...but what i did was so ridiculour i wana hurt myself for hurt any other guy who did that!..what do i dooo?...i HATE DRUGS, i swear il never touch it ever in my whole damn life...i HATE IT...but i miss her, i dunno what to do..i punched the wall like a maniac...and i feel like doing it again...i feel its so stupid to hurt myself..obviously it is..but sumhow it takes away that inside emotional pain, by substituting it with physical pain...someone, please...what do i do?..
    • Re: Girl i love..18th birthday..3 pills of ecstacy...please someone help me...please.

      Unfortunately you probably cannot redeem that friendship, but you can use this to learn.
      Now, don't do anymore serious drugs like ectacy, because of the damage from it, you may have a few withdrawal symptoms, even if it was your first time. You need to not take anymore.
      If you want to do anydrug ( though I'd advise against it) do weed. Its calming and you don't usually black out unless you take WAY too much of it.