Are you religious?

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    • Re: Are you religious?

      Bah!!! Everyone is speaking spanish.

      No hablo espanol. En la clase de Espanol Uno.

      Anyway, I am a Christian. Presbyterian [PCUSA] if that matters. I do believe in God and the Trinity, the three in one. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Many people are stating that religion is based on blind faith and not facts. Some of it is, I'll admit. But also, many things are not just thrown out there. Many facts are accurate and proven with existence of certain stories in it. I'll just use a few examples. In the time of Moses, Hebrews were in fact slaves and Rameses II and Seti were in power at the time. And then, the slaves were wiped from history.

      Also, in the bible it mentions a taxation by Caeser Augustus, in the time when some dude [look it up, it's in Luke] was governor of Judea is when the census was taken. It was around 4 BC, which is the time of Jesus's birth.

      But I am an open minded Christian, and I hate it when people on either side are like "it's my way and I'm not open to anything else."

      There are always faults in religion, because man is inperfect and not omniscient and therefore no religion will be that way. I sure as heck don't know everything.
    • Re: Are you religious?

      Anyway, I am a Christian. Presbyterian [PCUSA] if that matters. I do believe in God and the Trinity, the three in one. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Many people are stating that religion is based on blind faith and not facts. Some of it is, I'll admit. But also, many things are not just thrown out there. Many facts are accurate and proven with existence of certain stories in it. I'll just use a few examples. In the time of Moses, Hebrews were in fact slaves and Rameses II and Seti were in power at the time. And then, the slaves were wiped from history.

      Also, in the bible it mentions a taxation by Caeser Augustus, in the time when some dude [look it up, it's in Luke] was governor of Judea is when the census was taken. It was around 4 BC, which is the time of Jesus's birth.

      It's all supported by evidence, except that whole Creation part. :D
      That one's trickier.

      But I am an open minded Christian, and I hate it when people on either side are like "it's my way and I'm not open to anything else."

      Why have an open mind unless you fill it with solid things? I'm open to everything... if there's evidence. Anything else is just air.

      That's the single biggest fault of religion. There is simply no evidence. As soon as somebody provides me with some, I'll be more "open-minded" about religion.

      There are always faults in religion, because man is inperfect and not omniscient and therefore no religion will be that way. I sure as heck don't know everything.

      All the more reason to be skeptical of what you have always believed.
      And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
      -Walt Whitman
    • Re: Are you religious?

      Hey, hey, hey.. Is this forum open for every language? why there's spanish?

      Btw, Flufferz, have you ever find any evidence of the creation..? There's a book (Indonesian book) which mix all of the historical evidence and the Bible, and the author made all things seems possible.. He even said, "There's a limit of this universe. And it's blocked by a huge amount of water which fell down to earth at Noah time.."
      He does believe in what darwin believe, that humans are monkey's heir..!
      The difference is, he believe that Adam and eve's heir made love with ancient human, and have a child..
      He's crazy...
    • Re: Are you religious?

      YohanesMC wrote:

      He does believe in what darwin believe, that humans are monkey's heir..!

      Humans aren't descended from monkeys, we're descended from primates. (So are monkeys.) If the author of that book believes we're really descended from monkeys, he doesn't know jack about Darwin.
      And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
      -Walt Whitman
    • Re: Are you religious?

      moe wrote:

      i am a muslim i think that we should belive in something in order to survive
      what am saying that life with out religioun is point less that what i think

      Neo wrote:

      Not exactly. Life without religion does have a point, we are born in this world and it is our duty to make the world a better place. Humans aren't the best creatures and the world isn't made for them, its all the human ego at work. This ego destroyed the world, led to religious wars, killed millions in the same of religion, caused global warming and a million other evils. Religion isn't like oxygen, survival and humanity can well exist without religion. How does religion give a 'point' in life?

      In a way, I agree with both of you. While you dont need religion to survive, it does give my life, at least, some meaning. As neo said, humans arent perfect. we are selfish creatures. I need religion because if i didnt believe that your actions in life determine your place in death, i would not lift a finger to better the world. saying this may make me a terrible person, but i believe that most of us, if not all of us, are like this in our hearts. So no, i dont think that humans need religion. What we need is something to believe in.
    • Re: Are you religious?

      There has been a lot of reports lately that today's teens are becoming more and more religious and I am just not seeing it in my community. I for one am not a religious person and have a very hard time beliving in a God when there are so many terrible things happening in the world. How do you feel about religion?

      Religion is the enemy of the poeple. It is nothing but a tool for those who would seize power at the expense of everyone else. Religion is an outdated, outmoded concept.
      [SIZE=1]"Religious suffering is the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature... It is the opium of the people." ~Karl Marx [/SIZE][SIZE=1]
      “Everything must justify its existence before the judgment seat of Reason, or give up existence”~ Engels[/SIZE]
    • Re: Are you religious?

      i am a religious person but i think an understanding of religion and God comes from within, it cant be taught or explained, if its in you to know it then you will know it, whether it takes years or whether its from the first time that you can fully understand. i dont agree that life is meaningless without religion cause its so personal, for one person its necessary and for another it may have little importance. i dont think that it is a case of more young people being religious i think its there is more confidence to be able to say you are religious. i dont know, ive never been someone who's had to think about it.
    • Re: Are you religious?

      I could be wrong, but perhaps it's just the church saying that it's growing just to attract more people. I could also be wrong with this, but it seems that atheists are more in the spotlight than they have been. Perhaps the church is jealous, but again, don't quote me, I could be wrong.
      Go hang a salami; I'm a lasagna hog.