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    • Re: chances

      gary_zombie_killer wrote:

      no get this streght i watch my dumb friends make dumb choices.Im trying not to make one,its just to inconveniont and its not natural,birth controll and pulling out is more efective than a condom alone iv done my not stupid i was just scared when i posted this

      First of all, its straight. If your friends are dumb, I can only imagine what your IQ level is. *Inconvenient is the proper spelling, which is just another bright example of how stupid you actually are. What isn't natural? Clearly you are stupid if this is your 2nd post asking if you could be pregnant while on birth control. Stop having sex for a few years, and during that time, educate yourself.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: chances

      you have me all wrong,i hang out with lots of ignorant peple and im trying to type on a smart phone so my spelling wont be very accurate,Your like me in many aspects I am so esily ignored by ignorance.I hate myself right now in fact im sorry to bug you .I gusse it all comes down to i see a more creative way out of pregnancy you may think im stupid but its only your own closed mind thats ben told condoms are the only safe way to have sex,yes you have a creative come back but i dont care what you think.beacuse your opinion dosent matter i just wish you knew seem like the kind of person i would get along with
    • Re: chances

      gary_zombie_killer wrote:

      you have me all wrong,i hang out with lots of ignorant peple and im trying to type on a smart phone so my spelling wont be very accurate,Your like me in many aspects I am so esily ignored by ignorance.I hate myself right now in fact im sorry to bug you .I gusse it all comes down to i see a more creative way out of pregnancy you may think im stupid but its only your own closed mind thats ben told condoms are the only safe way to have sex,yes you have a creative come back but i dont care what you think.beacuse your opinion dosent matter i just wish you knew seem like the kind of person i would get along with

      *You're, clearly your grammar is affected on a smart phone as well. I'm nothing like you, so don't even try to put me into a category with you. I'm on birth control, so I don't know where you're getting that I have a closed mind, as I know there are plenty of other solutions to safe sex then just condoms.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: chances

      Nancy Botwin wrote:

      *You're, clearly your grammar is affected on a smart phone as well. I'm nothing like you, so don't even try to put me into a category with you. I'm on birth control, so I don't know where you're getting that I have a closed mind, as I know there are plenty of other solutions to safe sex then just condoms.

      yeah well im lazy not stupid.and you dont know me.but your argumentative point of view and your hatred for ignorance I admire.I respect you.
    • Re: chances

      gary_zombie_killer wrote:

      besides if you have ben daiting a guy for more than a year and your above the age of 14 its not so easy to say "lets wait" please just put yourself in my place...

      You're going to look back at this in ten years and wonder, "What in the hell was I thinking?" You always have the ability to say, "No, let's wait." Whether you are 14 or 50, it's all down to your ability to understand the situation, the risks and the rewards. And yes, you should have mentioned that you were on birth control in the original post, though there still is that micro chance that you are pregnant, but not likely.
    • Re: chances

      gary_zombie_killer wrote:

      you have me all wrong,i hang out with lots of ignorant peple and im trying to type on a smart phone so my spelling wont be very accurate,Your like me in many aspects I am so esily ignored by ignorance.I hate myself right now in fact im sorry to bug you .I gusse it all comes down to i see a more creative way out of pregnancy you may think im stupid but its only your own closed mind thats ben told condoms are the only safe way to have sex,yes you have a creative come back but i dont care what you think.beacuse your opinion dosent matter i just wish you knew seem like the kind of person i would get along with

      huur my smart phoen cannot into spellan soI cunt spell proprly

      It's not that hard to write properly, jeez :rolleyes: