What's your opinion on heavy metal?

    • Re: What's your opinion on heavy metal?

      for me, metal has been a little more than just a genre of music to listen to
      no matter what mood i am in, there is a true metal song that i can listen to, and one i can relate to
      many different emotions can be felt, just in one song
      there is a sense of power that can be felt when listening to a good song
      you can talk to a metal head in another country, and i can guarantee you that both of you listen to at least 3-5 of the same metal bands
      i feel alive and powerful when i listen, play metal on the guitar, or sing metal / growl/grunt metal
      metal, im my opinion
      is an amazing genre of music with an outstanding community, and something that you can always rely on no matter what kind of day you have
      just my 2 cents