Am I overreacting?

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    • Am I overreacting?

      My life was easy as a young child, as it usually is for most people but when I hit 12 years old I was sexually assaulted and almost raped. I received no counselling or therapy and about 3 years after this experience I started being physically and verbally abused at home. It made it hard for me when everything started falling down around me, me family was falling apart my pet dog (who was my best friend) died which crushed me so badly that I ended up losing all of my friends.
      It was only natural that I started cutting myself and abusing alcohol and soon after started taking weed and shrooms and I spiraled downwards from there and ended up taking things I didn't even know the name of. I found some new friends who are better than the ones I had before, I know now that taking all those drugs was a dangerous path to take, I still smoke weed occasionally and drink a couple times a month.
      I still cut myself at every couple of days.
      My mum found weed in my room and now hates everything about me. Then my best friend told me she was raped, after months of helping with therapy and pressuring my brain to revisit what happened to me when I was younger, turns out she was lying anyway.
      I'm trying to help myself and get help from my friends but I find it so difficult.
      I'm just constantly unhappy, and my mind is filled with suicidal thoughts. I just want to know if my life is as bad as it feels to me.
      Any advice?
    • Re: Am I overreacting?

      I just want to know if my life is as bad as it feels to me.
      Well how else would you measure it than by how it feels to you? It's all perspective, though. You can influence your own point of view. You always need to be focusing on the positives in your life. If there aren't any, you should look for and create some.

      Don't be too quick to judge your friend who lied about being raped. That seems a strange thing to do. Maybe she was just trying to help (somehow??). People do do and say strange things sometimes in attempts to help, or when they are just really taken aback by or don't know how to deal with something. Or maybe she was raped but then was uncomfortable having it known, so "took it back". There's always a reason people do things. Maybe she needed attention (I know a girl who has faked being pregnant a few times because she doesn't feel very cared for by the people closest to her). Could be any reason why she did it. So try not to think of it as a betrayal.

      Obviously cutting yourself is not going to help any. I think whenever you feel crap, try a focus change - try do something else. Whether it's go for a walk, or read a book, or listen to some music. I knew someone who said whenever he felt a depressive mood coming on, he'd have a bit of chocolate. This thread has a nice list of things you can try.

      Are you still being abused at home?
    • Re: Am I overreacting?

      iv gone through tough times to being assulted sexually and alls a terrible feeling that made me feel pathetic and disgusted towards myself i went through therapy though iv been in it my whole life. iv got to say though with wat iv come of my past is that u can take that pain and strength of carrying on and push it towards something good. if u just keep ur head held high ull see that nothing can tear u down if u allow it. theres nothing wrong with you. i went to drugs and was an alcoholic even with therapy! its hard sometimes to be happy wen theres not many things to make u happy. but theres always a 2marrow that can lead to wonders!! just remember that. theres nothing more wonderful then the sunset and sunrise. most people take things such as those for granteed but its kept me alive. lifes worth living to see those things and i respect you very much not only the fact u wer able to deal with those things but the fact ur willing to reach out for help before taking a huge leap. u never know wats around the corner or wats gunna happen 2morrow. so i wish u the best 2marrow and those to come. :) knowledge is key. no one else can tell you wat uv felt or thought. no one else holds such value then urself. dont ever take that for granteed.