Antisocial behaviour, HELP!

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    • Antisocial behaviour, HELP!

      Sorry guys, it's a long read but I have a lot I need to get off my mind.

      I have a good life, my parents are both really loving, I have plenty of friends and I am happy- except I do not have good social skills. I think it may be a result of playing to much computer games. I struggle in social situations- a year ago before I started playing a game (Minecraft) I could handle social situations and talk to friends without any trouble. Then I started playing this game and it took over my life- anyway I've given it up now but my problem is I can't talk to other people and interact normally. I stand around next to my closest friends, feeling really awkward because I don't know what to say. I am shy- I get scared of answering the door incase it's someone I don't know, in every social situation I am constantly worrying about what to say, what to do so I don't make a fool of myself. I don't think I'm 'anti-social' because I want to socialise but I just can't. Please can someone help me, tell me what to do, where to get help? I don't want to go to some stupid class or centre to teach me how to be calm in social situations- I just want to know is there a website with some tips on how to relax and not worry, and perhaps hear from some of you if you have experienced something similar. Thankyou guys.
    • Re: Antisocial behaviour, HELP!

      Just say whatever comes into your mind when your talking with someone about something.
      Do your friends know that you have problems with talking and stuff? They could help you out and ask them if they want to try to talk more to you and such.
      Or try that with other ppl you trust.
      Also don't think too much before saying something you want to say. Just say what you think at that moment and don't think it through first, that will help a bit too.

      I always hated to talk with ppl on the phone (ppl that I don't know, costumers and such)
      But if I do it more and more then it's allright and kinda normal.
      Hope it helps a bit.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.

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