This girl

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    • So, im a junior( in high school), and theres this senior girl that sits next to me in photography class. We talk a lot, and help eachother with photoshop projects. Im pretty interested in her. But im not sure if she is interested in me. She hinted that we should hang out over break. I would love to be dating her, but I feel she would be very busy with AP classes, college stuff, and extracuricular activities; no time for a high school relationship. Maybe im wrong? My last gf was always busy and we never spent time togeather(which is why we broke up), so maybe Im just afraid the same wil happen?
    • Re: This girl

      Same story, different day. Usually, if a girl tells you she wants to hang out, that's a perfectly good hint that she has some type of interest in you. Perhaps she doesn't like you quite yet, but you're setting yourself up for the opportunity of possibility. Rather than worrying about the what ifs and what could happen, take things day by day and see where they go.

      Stressing about things that possibly could happen in the future rarely helps. It's completely understandable and natural, however, you have to learn to push it aside. Try not to sweat it bruh.