i cant stop thinking about it

    • i cant stop thinking about it

      my boyfriend broke up with me last Wednesday. i cut myself really bad. but now, i cant stop wanting to just end all of this. i was really depressed while dating him, and he know that. but he was what kept me going. what made me get up in the morning. what kept me from crawling into a hole and waiting for death to come. i really just want to go shoot myself so i don't have to feel anymore. i tried to kill myself about 6 months ago. i took about 50 ibuprofen. i went to the hospital but they didn't keep me. i need help. this hurts so bad. ;(
    • Re: i cant stop thinking about it

      he was what kept me going.
      This is not a good thing. YOU should be what keeps you going. Everyone else will always go away. They'll move cities, or they'll decide they like other people better, or you'll decide you like other people better, or if none of that happens they'll eventually die. He can't live for you. He can't live forever with you leaning on his shoulder for your only source of happiness. It'd smother and exhaust him. You're supposed to live for yourself, and let him live for himself.

      It's all well and good if the two of you make each other happy, as a supplement to your own lives. But you can't hand someone else the burden of being required to make you happy. It's not fair to him. It's YOUR job to make yourself happy. No-one else can do it for you. And trying will drive them insane.

      Throughout the course of your life, there'll be a lot more people. More friends and lovers (assuming you don't get back together with this guy and you two stay together forever.. which I think is very unlikely). There'll be a lot more events and toys and sights and sounds and feelings. But not if you cut your life short.

      Why were you depressed in the first place?