Worth ending?

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    • Worth ending?

      My life has basicly run it's course, I basicly live each day waiting for it to end so the next day i can wake up and do it all again I hated High School and most of the people in it due to bullying and prejudice. Now i'm in college and i hate going to it, The courses i've tooken i know will never get me anywhere and i have no plans for next year. In terms of friends i do have some, a choice few but i rarely see anyone anymore since high school ended, i barely talk to anyone nowadays, I do try but nobody is interested, i really just hang about with one friend i've known for ages and even then i think he can't really be bothered with me most of the time and it's usually only once every so often i see him.
      In terms of family, i don't get on with them, it's not i'm a bad person they just aren't nice people, i barely talk to them besides arguments and shouting.
      Throughout most of school i was fat and so i was bullied on quite a daily basis, I used to skip school at weeks at a time due to the bullying and i've paid the price because i failed some classes and only just passed in others. I hate bullying and all those years i was picked on and even threatened on a few occasions i'm glad are over. I've lost a lot of weight now but it's come to late since now there's nobody to make friends with, in college i try but most people have their own friends they bunch with and i just sit in class and try to get on.
      I hate loneliness and that's what my life's full of, depressing lonliness, each day is just another waste to me. I think about suicide quite alot now, i haven't found any other forums for ages till this one popped up. I attempted once but got caught, everyones forgotten about that now.
      My life has turned to depression, i see all these people evryday smiling happy and hanging with people, getting along in happy families and talking about how much they love there partners. That's all i would ever want in life. But no, i have tried but i've grown to tired to try anymore. Do you think it would be worth ending it all? or seeing how much next year goes?
    • Re: Worth ending?

      Have you spoken to a career counsellor about your courses?

      You can still attempt to hang out with people if they're already in a group. Just go up and introduce yourself. I'm sure you'll be awkward with them at first and maybe just stand around not saying anything and feeling pointless, but you'll get acclimated after a while. College doesn't have to be your only source of potential friends. Try community hobby and volunteer groups. Or this site: Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup
    • Re: Worth ending?

      cool_walking_ wrote:

      Have you spoken to a career counsellor about your courses?

      You can still attempt to hang out with people if they're already in a group. Just go up and introduce yourself. I'm sure you'll be awkward with them at first and maybe just stand around not saying anything and feeling pointless, but you'll get acclimated after a while. College doesn't have to be your only source of potential friends. Try community hobby and volunteer groups. Or this site: Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup

      Agree with this, you can just try to introduce yourself to those people.

      Do things you like, find a new hobby. Anything that makes you feel better.
      And you could talk with your best friend about it, i'm sure he understands and can help you through it.
      Be patient and don't give up, it will be better.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.