I need Advice

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    • I need Advice

      The summer of my 7th grade year i dated a girl and i really loved this girl but for my 8th grade year i went to another school just to see if i liked it (i didn't) and towards the middle of the 8th grade year things fell apart and now im back for my freshman year at her school and i found out that my ex-bestfreind lied to her and then she was depressed for the entierty of her 8th grade year and now that we are freshman and its been a yea and i had time to think i found out i stilled loved her(i dated other people in that 8thgrade year) now we kinda of talk and were freinds but things are still awkward and i tried to tell her that my ex-bestfreind lied(with advice form her best freind) and she completely stopped the conversation and when i went to school the next monday she acted like everything was normal and continued through the whole week like that but now i dont know what to do about this whole situtation and i need advice

    • Re: I need Advice

      I think you should give it a bit of time. Still be there, be her friend, but she needs to warm up to being around you again and figure herself out. She may be scared to get into a relationship again since you said things did not turn out the best last time you tried and that she was depressed over it. Try not to make it awkward as much as possible, it's basically your chance to get to be around her and have her be comfortable around you again. In the end, give it some patience and hopefully she'll open herself up to you again. :)

      By the way, interesting username! haha.
    • Re: I need Advice

      Thanks the name was a spur of the moment thing. and with the being there i have been there iv been treing to bee freinds with her for like id say 4 months now and nothing so im at a lost for what to do. is she never going to give me another chance? And things didnt turn out whell because she isnt really allowed to date so things would not have worked if either one of us left and knowing this i did ? because of that does she think that i left her because i dont like her or what?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ConfusedPepsiLover: More to Say. ().

    • Re: I need Advice

      I Agree with complicatedmind

      Be patient, give her a bit of time to figure things out.
      meanwhile support her as a friend, hang out with her, do fun things with her, cheer her up etc.
      Just make clear that your there for her and want to spend time with her.
      Some ppl just need more time for things then others.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.