I like my best friends sister! Advise?

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    • I like my best friends sister! Advise?

      Here's the story. So my friend and I have been friends since freshmen year and now were juniors. This last summer I met his sister. Shes 15 and im 17. and she's been really cool and this past month I've been having feelings for her. I love being around here and just talking and just seeing here. I'm starting to really really like here. But here's my problem. I feel like if I ask her out and things don't work out it might ruin my friend ship with my best friend and the family which I'm very good friends with too. And I don't know what to do. Give some advise. It helps.
    • Re: I like my best friends sister! Advise?

      The thing to do would be to talk to your friend about it. You could ignore it, and say it's not worth risking the friendship, but if you do want to pursue something with this girl, your friend would probably find offense in you asking her out without talking to him about it. After all, it's his sister. I think it would show respect for him if you were to "ask" permission as to whether he would be okay with you two dating. That could make you closer as friends if you find that mutual respect for each other. Even if he says no, and you respect his wishes because you want to keep him as a friend.

      But to be honest, in my opinion friend's girlfriends are a no no for me. If my brother's friend were to ask me out, I'd say no. I don't want to create tension between the three relationships, which could happen if you two dated. If you were mad at one of them, that would force the other to pick a side. Same if they were mad at you or each other. She's his little sister, of course she gets on his nerves. If you date her, your friend can't talk to you about it because she's not only his sister, but your girlfriend. Or if you were mad at her for something, you can't talk to your friend about it. It's a delicate situation I'd personally rather not get into. But if you really feel like it's worth it, and you and your friend would be able to handle it, go ahead and see what he thinks.
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: I like my best friends sister! Advise?

      Atleast first thing you should do is tell your friend about it and see how he reacts to it. If he says it's okay you can give it a try. But if he doesn't want you to date her then I think you shouldn't.
      Since then you would lose your friend and you never know if it would work out with his sister.

      And idd ^ if he think it's okay do date her, don't cheat on her or do anything else then could mess it up. I don't think her brother would like that.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by black.star ().

    • Re: I like my best friends sister! Advise?

      1. Take it slow.
      2. Make sure she likes you in a romantic way before you try anything, she could just see you as another sort of brother which you are mistaking for her liking you.
      3. You are worried about your friends and family's relations, why is that? Do you feel like you will somehow screw up that badly? Just don't screw up, simple as that.
      4. Possibly talk it over with your friend once you feel that it is the right time to make the move.
    • Re: I like my best friends sister! Advise?

      talk to him. its the best thing. i speak from experience, my boyfriend is two of my best friends brother, and they dont mind at all.
