I like this guy, but i don't know him :( how to talk to him? (full story)

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    • I like this guy, but i don't know him :( how to talk to him? (full story)

      so this may be pretty long. i apologize in advance. i just really wanna talk to this guy.

      so im a high school freshman. i was sooo nervous at orientation, mainly because i was dressed differently than the other girls. all the others wore hoodies and buns and casual stuff, i wore boots and skinny jeans and something generally more stylish. this is a main reason why i stuck out.

      anyways, because my mother recently transferred me to the school, they didn't have my schedule up front. so i had to go to the office. i waited in there for a few mins, when these two people walked in, a guy and a girl. they looked alike, so i assumed they were siblings automatically (which i soon found out was true)

      i heard the girl say to her brother i was pretty, and i was so happy on the inside. idk why. anyways, after that i got my sched and left the office, noting on my way out how CUTE this dude was.

      i kept seeing them in orientation after that. my second trip to the office, down the hall once, and they even talked to this guy (whos now a good friend of mine) about me (i heard them approaching, so i said bye and left because i was nervous LOL. on my way i heard the chick say "that girl")

      when i went home i was nervous. idk why.

      anyways after that at my first week at school, i found out the girl's name (lets call her Jessie) and i found she was in a few of my classes.

      i never really talked to her, but whatever. somehow i started to like her brother. i added her on facebook and found him from there, and learned his name (lets call him Josh). i added him out of bravery and he accepted the request...then i went to his profile to see he has like under 100 friends. he was obviously the kind of guy to only add people he knew! i was shocked he added me.

      i saw he liked the same bands as me - and he had a passion for art like me. I was psyched. but was soon let down as i learned he was a junior. :(

      A few weeks after school started, me and my guy friend from orientation were walking together as school was starting to our class. "Jessie" came up to him (they're best friends!) and started talking to him, with "Josh" tagging along next to her.

      he said "sup." and i didn't even realize it because i was looking around at the hall. i realized soon after - and i was too scared to say hey back. oh my god i want to go back and slap myself.

      anyways now it's months later and all that's happened is i see him in the halls occasionally only in the mornings. its rare when i see him.

      also, "jessie" told me that "josh" was talking about me at orientation. i didn't have time to ask her what he said, and this was forever ago when she told me so it'd be weird if i randomly just asked.

      so now im stuck. i feel it's my duty now to say hey to him since he said hey to me first. idk. WHAT SHOULD I DO?

      i really like this guy lol

      ********OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT, we live in the same neighborhood! im not a creeper or anything, i was just leaving with my mom somewhere when the bus from our school came and he got off it with "jessie"

      The post was edited 3 times, last by galaxygirl ().

    • Re: I like this guy, but i don't know him :( how to talk to him? (full story)

      cupid-struck wrote:

      if you think it would be weird to say hi suddenly...chat with him on facebook...next day say hi to him in college...:rolleyes:

      Yup, that's only 4 years away for her ;)

      Chat him up on facebook :) or get closer to his sister. Or, just catch him one day on his way home from school and talk then :)
    • Re: I like this guy, but i don't know him :( how to talk to him? (full story)

      Alright, I'm going to try to help you out because I was in a much similar situation. Only main difference is that I'm a guy who had a crush on a girl. And I was the Junior, she was the freshman.

      Want to know what happened? I went to school everyday, walked past her in the hall, told myself that I would maybe someday talk to her, and eventually, I graduated.

      My point is that, although you may not really grasp that you have a time limit, you DO. If you do nothing, time WILL run out and you WILL miss your chance.

      But let me tell you, small actions have big results. All you have to do is cross that line, do something, and you'll be in there. Once I got to College, I was alone for a bit until I forced myself to walk up to a group of people. I became friends with those people, and often I wonder what would have happened had I not have done that. And then I wondered what would have happened if I had said something to that girl.

      I realized how easy it was to take a step.

      Here's a little confidence booster. His sister told you he was talking about you. That means he was most likely saying something good. How do I know that? Because she wouldn't tell you if he were saying something bad.

      So what can you do?

      Well, for starters, you have mutual friends. If I were you, I'd get to know his sister better. Become better friends with her. Through that, you'll likely be around him more often. It'll open up more opportunities.

      Another thing you can do is flat out ask her to introduce you to him. It'd take a bit more courage but it would throw you right in.
    • Re: I like this guy, but i don't know him :( how to talk to him? (full story)

      First, age really doesn't matter, I mean look at that playboy old man. Okay maybe not the best answer or comparison but you get the point.
      Second, The approach of getting to him is through his sister. If you can during parter-time ,if any, be her partner. During lunch break if she has the same lunch with her ask if you can sit with her because the table you sit at is full. Now she might get a little supicous with you trying to hang out with her all the time. So just sit every now and then. Now if you becoem goo friends with her, and eventually get to come over to her house once a while that is goo progress. however, here's the bad part it is going to be kind of akward trying to date her brother since you and her have become good friends. If you know more about her you can come out and say, "Does yoru brother like me?" however I don't suggest this way, but it has been done before. This will either make you and his sister colser, because she wants you two to get together, or it will make her stay away from you. I hope this help! Good luck!
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