Cigarettes replacing Weed

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    • Cigarettes replacing Weed

      WARNING [This is defiantly more a rant than a post] WARNING

      So for the last two years I have been an avid weed smoker. But due to the amount of money that I have been consuming and time I have been wasting feeding this habit, I have decided to take a semester break. I have been sober (From smoking) for almost a month and I have lost almost all urges to smoke. Most of my friends smoke so I'm around it a lot but the temptation to smoke has lessened from contemplating "oh I'll just have a hit" to "I don't even want to smoke". I feel good about this decision because even though I like to smoke and am not fully giving it up forever, this break is definitely needed to help me concentrate on school and other things at this point in my life. For anyone who smokes weed you can say that your a normal functioning person when your high but you have to come clean at some point and admit that it really does mess with the way you think and can really affect your decision making.

      With quitting smoking (for the time being) I have come across an unexpected problem or crossroad. I had my first cigarette a couple months ago which is something I have always condemned to a nasty and dirty habit for other people. After trying it myself though. I have to admit that I kinda liked it. It was pleasurable; the smoke didn't make me cough when I inhaled and the buzz I felt was so soothing that I smoked three over the course of 3 hours. Now after those first three I didn't feel the urge to smoke or anything and I still don't think that I'm addicted, but about a month and a half ago I was going through a rough "breakup" with a girl I had a thing with for a long time. I basically got taken advantage of and manipulated and ultimately just felt incredibly humiliated at the situation. During the let go phase I felt compelled for some reason going out that night to pick up a pack of Spirits. I don't really know why I did but it was sort of symbolic for me a sort of cleansing Ironically. It took me about 20 days to finish that pack and I gave about 7 of them to other people so I'm not a huge smoker at all. I even vowed that after this first pack I would never buy my own again...

      Well 3 days ago for some reason I was craving a smoke and ended up buying another pack. Lights this time but I've smoked one a day since then and now sitting here I'm wondering if this is the start of an addiction. I know that smoking cigs is about the worst thing you could do to yourself but I just like smoking SOMETHING. I don't really know what it is but the process of smoking for me is almost like a ritual or "spiritual". when I smoke I can focus and at the same time let go of my thoughts and drift for awhile. The most pleasurable part of smoking weed for me wasn't just being high afterward. The actual process of going to smoke was so enjoyable that I found myself visiting all my favorite smoke spots just to sit and think for awhile completely sober. I love to roll joints and even though I'm on "A break" I continually roll joints for my friends just to go through the process of it. Doing this and smoking cigs are my way of keeping that "Going to the smoke spot" a part of my life without being high and being able to stay focused on school. Apart from the smell (which I can't stand) I feel like a cig once and awhile is nearly harmless. (please argue otherwise if you feel differently).

      Now if anyone has stayed with me this long and has listened to Teak blabber on an on, Let me ask you this. If you smoke cigs, what is it for you? is it satisfying your addiction or is there some underlying pleasure to smoke that is completely unrelated to the Nicotine? I used to smoke a pipe way back in the day and have considered taking that up again instead of cigs. If you smoke pipe, do you know of the any less harmful methods or are they all just as terrible? If you smoke weed and also enjoy more than just the high it would be cool to hear what it means for you.

      Thanks for the read,

      Post up kids.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by teak ().

    • Re: Cigarettes replacing Weed

      Interesting post. I've never smoked a cigarette, and have no plans to in the near future. I have the same view that you had; that it's dirty, which I guess is slightly hypocritical since I smoke weed, but hey. And I get what you mean about enjoying not just the high. I like standing round in a group of friends, passing a joint around. There's something strangely social about it, although there isn't a specific place I go to smoke it. For me it's something that I do at events and parties.
    • Re: Cigarettes replacing Weed

      same here dude, i had to replace weed with tobacoo due to school mostly. ive been smoking weed for 4 years now and im feeling gud i guess:D maybe because right now im higher than everybody out there:D i dont feel like im addicted to weed or anything, it feels like im addicted to smoking. id rather smoke the pot but then again i woudlnt mind about a cig.

      If you smoke weed and also enjoy more than just the high it would be cool to hear what it means for you.

      when u start smoking weed ur all like OMG THIS SHIT FEELS SO GOOD, u actually smoke to get high, u dont do it because its ur everyday life nor a way of being desperate, but more because this green shit would get u high. as iwas sayin im a long time and current smoker and i can honestly tell u i dont only smoke for the hell of it. i wont convert myself into a rastafari but i really enjoy it shit load:D well and if u love rolling up, start rolling ur own cigarettes
      supa dupa awesum :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by thezackster ().

    • Re: Cigarettes replacing Weed

      I'm in the same boat as you with weed, I gave weed up about 6 months ago, feel heaps better, so GJM for that.

      I'm also a smoker, currently cutting back in anticipation of quiting in June. Be very careful, it's super easy to go from 1-2 a day to a propper addiction, especially if you're smoking socially. I suggest you don't buy any more cigarettes, it really isn't worth the money, time, or lingering smell which takes a shower and a change of clothes to get rid of, let alone the health risks. If you smoke, due to the smell, it's often the first thing people notice about you, which for a lot of people is a huge turn off.

      I smoked cigs socially in Highschool because I unconciously thought it was cool, but I went from a pack a month to a pack a day in about a year without really noticing it. Weed was all part of a phase I went through a while ago, new friends, new city, new school. I'm kinda over it now.

      jordan132;1506655 wrote:

      when i joined guys privacy i figured there would be nothing here except a hole in the wall to peak into the girls privacy