Did I do something wrong???

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    • Did I do something wrong???

      So there is this girl that I like. Like, really REALLY like. I won't go into the detailed description, but lets just say that as far I'm concerned, she's completely perfect. A while back, I asked her to a school dance. She said no, and said she wasn't sure she was going. It was cool at the time, she said she "was proud of me" and that "it took guts to do that". Now however, she acts like she completely hates me. She refuses to look at me, only talks to me when I speak to her first (and even then only a few words) and generally acts like I'm not there. I'm not sure if you guys know what that feels like (especially since I think we were getting to a decent start before) but it makes me feel like crap. :(
      Now, the only reason she would be so distant, I figure, is because she still feels awkward about it, but this was well over a month ago. Do emotions take that long to die down? I mean I've already gotten over the rejection (though I'm still kicking myself for taking it too fast and I'm still crazy about her). Are there any more reasons? Do girls regularly hate a guy after he asks her out to a date/dance? This has been chewing me up for the last month. It's indescribably painful...
    • Re: Did I do something wrong???

      Firstly, NO ONE is perfect. I dont care what you say, a fact is a fact, a human is a human, we all have our limits.

      Second, no, most girls dont hate guys just for asking them out and rejecting, espiecally if she said she was proud of you.

      Third, bring it up with her. You did nothing wrong thats visible to us-- or you, so maybe theres something going on in the background that we dont know about. When shes alone or whatever or if you can text her or call her, then do so and simply explain your point of view. Tell her that you guys seemed like you were going to a good start and describe how her behavior changed at that you dont understand why; she'll probably happily fill you in on why and say shes proud of you for bringing it up. It takes guts to confront things like this, but theres no other way to go about them cleanly.
    • Re: Did I do something wrong???

      Well no, I don't mean perfect like flawless. We all have our flaws, and they make us human. No, I meant perfect as in everything I have ever looked for in a girl and just a bit more on top. As for confronting her, I don't know. I'm terrified it'll just make it worse.
    • Re: Did I do something wrong???

      chee wrote:

      Well no, I don't mean perfect like flawless. We all have our flaws, and they make us human. No, I meant perfect as in everything I have ever looked for in a girl and just a bit more on top. As for confronting her, I don't know. I'm terrified it'll just make it worse.

      Ah fair game then @ the perfect explanation.

      And confront her. How the hell else are you going to make it better if you dont know the problem that is making her act this way towards you? You cant wave a magic wand and make it go away. To fix a problem, you gotta know what it is. To know what it is you gotta ask. It wont make it worse.