Marriage views..

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    • Marriage views..

      so my sister has a boyfriend who she's quite serious about he's a really nice guy anyway the other day my sister and dad had an arguement because dad was saying that Phil (the guy she's seeing) is a nice guy but he's not marriage material for her because he's a "no hoper" meaning hasn't got very good grades or much of a life plan (career wise)but he does have a job i spose it just isn't the best wage.

      my sister is training to become a doctor so even if they did get married it wouldnt be like they're struggling for money. I think my dads just being an arsehole, because i think if you find someone you want to be with it doesnt matter if they dont bring in a large pay packet at the end of the day as long as your happy,my dad just has a really traditional view on it like its the mans job to support the women in life.

      whats your view on becoming married? does it matter to you how much your other half would be earning? i mean i know you would consider it but does it REALLY matter? as long as you can get by in life without any major problems.
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: Marriage views..

      nicole91 wrote:

      whats your view on becoming married? does it matter to you how much your other half would be earning? i mean i know you would consider it but does it REALLY matter? as long as you can get by in life without any major problems.

      I would love to be married one day.

      It doesn't matter on how much my husband brings in. It is about love not cash.

      Yeah I would consider it but it doesn't matter. Yeah as long as we get by without major problems I would be happy.
      There is only one happiness in life,
      to love and be loved.

      - George Sand -:lovey:
    • Re: Marriage views..

      I think getting married at a young age is stupid. I want to be a junior or senior in college before I get married. This couple just got married that I know, and they have been together 2 weeks. Not even that, they have just been fucking for 2 weeks. And are now MARRIED. It's ridiculous.

      As for who makes more money, I honestly do not care. Expecially because I want to be a psychologist which means that I will probably make more money then my husband unless he is very well paid. It doesn't bother me unless we don't have enough money to live comfortably.
    • Re: Marriage views..

      Well.. the way I see it is this.. if the person is older and actually been married and experienced marriage, well, then they might know a thing about what they are talking about.

      As much as I love my current boyfriend, money DOES matter. Not in the sense that I wouldn't love him if he didn't have money, but I DO need someone that is hardworking and will help support our family. And from a parent's eyes, a person that is too lazy to work hard in school, is just as likely to be lazy at their job later in life. Also, if lazy in school, its likely they won't get a high paying job. And struggling with money all the time has got to put stress on any relationship.

      THAT is what he is concerned about.

      Hopefully, though, he understands that he must step back and let his daughter make her own choices, albeit they may be bad choices, but they are hers and she will learn from them.
    • Re: Marriage views..

      I think marriage is a very sacred time in a relationship,
      and I honestly would love to get married someday.

      However, marriage doesn't measure love,
      no matter how you much you want it,
      it's really only the person you want.

      Either way, money can never be an issue.
      Millions of relationships are ruined by the means of money,
      and it's truly pathetic.
      The moment one of you REFUSES to care enough
      not to try to earn some money to support each other
      is the problem.
      It will always be in the hands of a person,
      but never money itself.
      So long as he has a job --
      Actually, so long as he wants to protect her and do well for her,
      and to make her happy...

      I think that's more than enough.
      [RIGHT][SIZE=1]I'll ruin your hour[/SIZE][/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT][SIZE=1]So I could make your day.[/SIZE][/RIGHT]