She is losing interest... I'm too nervous. Please HELP!

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    • She is losing interest... I'm too nervous. Please HELP!

      Hey everyone,
      i'm new to forums and stuff but heres my long story short,

      Skip this if you like:

      I met this girl at a party a while back... she knew I liked her and i sorta knew she liked me so we talked a bit after both our friends were making thing really awkward.. but at the end of the night things were cool.

      Next a while later we hung out in a group of friends... I got her number..
      So then we would always text each other and i asked if she'd like hang out some time so we did.. but i felt so nervous around her, we didn't kiss..

      Later we hung out again and went to this spot with no one around but again i was so nervous and afraid to kiss her or to make a mistake... so she says something like ''is this going anywhere between us?'' and i said something like yeah i'd like it to be, i've got feelings for you.'' and then i said it can start witha kiss, so we did...:rolleyes:

      Important part:

      Again now we would be texting banter almost everyday but i hadn't seen her in ages..

      You see she has a job and is working all weekend to certain times, so when i ask her out she says stuff like that she has work or is going to her friends house..

      I can understand this but get annoyed sometimes..:confused:
      So a good while later, she invited me and some friends to her house for a dvd.. i'm no good with flirting as i'm too nervous and not confident with girls :/ so we didn't kiss or anything..

      Then later that week i asked if she wanted to come to my house and chill but she said how about go and get hotchocolate and see what we do then..
      But when i met up with her she says that she has to go to her friends in like an hour so we just went to a quite spot.. we didn't end up kissing or anything again and just talked.. so when she was going i gave her a hug goodbye...

      Now when texting she seems less into me and i just get so confused...

      Can anyone give me some advise? :s I'd really appreciate it because i'm terrible with these kind of things and I really love this girl so much.. thanks
    • Re: She is losing interest... I'm too nervous. Please HELP!

      I think you know what you have to do, and I don't think there's much advice anyone can give you besides man up and go for it. ;) You've even got it easy because you know she wants you to kiss her.

      You sad that when you went for hot chocolate, you gave her a hug goodbye - next time you hug just lean in and do it!