Do you reckon I'm bi? (Long post)

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    • Do you reckon I'm bi? (Long post)

      I'm 15, nearly 16 and I go to an all girls school.
      Ive not had a crush on either sex for a LONG time.
      I remember when I was younger, I used to chase a boy around the playground and kiss him, but I always did it for attention because everyone used to laugh. But I remember having a 'crush' on a boy when I was about 4.
      When I look at a guy, i just think 'Theyre cute' but I don't feel 'attracted' to them like other girls my age seem to be.
      But it's the same when I loom at girls, I'm surrounded by girls all the time and if they're pretty, then I just think 'oh they're pretty' but no attraction.
      Now I write this, it makes me seem straight but the thought of kissing a boy doesn't bother me, but neither does the thought of kissing a girl.
      I'm also surrounded by lesbians. I have 2 lesbian couples in my friend group at school and I'm not homophobic at all...
      Also, i dont even fancy any celebs, and the only celebs that I'm obsessed with are girls.. But I've never thought about them in a sexual way.. Don't know if that means anything but I thought I'll add it.
      Reading this, what sexuality do I seem?
      It's just annoying that all of my friends have crushes and are positive on their sexuality and I'm not even sure because I've never felt attracted to someone in that way..

      The post was edited 1 time, last by LetsBeFreaks ().

    • Re: Do you reckon I'm bi? (Long post)

      First disregard anything from your childhood your body hasn't develop enough to feel any real attraction. You may just have a lower sex drive so its harder to figure out. If you do have a lower sex drive you can't really image attraction you have to be in person. My suggestion to you is try making out with a girl or boy that you think is cute for a bit, if you feel something but your still not turned on, try feel up each other if you are still not turned on you aren't attracted to them.

      You may need to experiment a bit, but it wont take to long to figure yourself out.
    • Re: Do you reckon I'm bi? (Long post)

      Well you could be asexual, where you're not sexually attracted to either sex.
      But you probably just haven't found someone who you like yet (as I don't think asexuality is that common). Just wait and see what happens.
      Also, it depends how old you are.
      Lot's of people have never had a crush on someone til they were adults!
      So for now don't worry and just carry on with your life. You'll found out eventually. :)
    • Re: Do you reckon I'm bi? (Long post)

      Don't worry about it. You'll figure it out eventually!
      I didn't really fall in love until I was about 17. I was, like you, a bit "worried" about my sexuality. Figured I was asexual or something. Turns out I am pansexual, and I just need to get to know a person better before I can fall for them!