I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

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    • I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

      As the title says, I KNOW that I'm not fat (I'm 6stone and 5ft4") ... But I cannot eat if I feel like people are watching. I hate food, I love cooking; but to me food is a grotesque thing and the process of actually eating makes me feel ill.

      I eat loads, so that people don't suspect anything, but I try to make myself throwup, but I'm really bad at that so usually I just double/triple the excersize I do. I'm a horserider and a dancer, I run alot aswell, so upping my excersize really isnt hard.

      I have a fair few people in my family that are bigger and I love them to pieces but I don't want to be big myself; I'm known for my skinniness and bad as it is I really like that... So much that if one of my friends say their dieting I have a go at them, I think deep down it's because I want to be the skinny one and if they loose weight, I won't look as small?

      I need help, I know I do, I just don't want to tell my mum; she'll be really angry

      Karraa xxx
    • Re: I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

      rodrigo: I can't though, telling mum would make her feel like a failure; last year I told her that I was cutting (stopped now tho) I just can't tell her this, I just need some support&advice x

      hipster: the information I gave was valid; anyway people aren't thick if they don't understand the imperial system they're bright enough to look for conversions... Just like you did! You really aren't helping so I'd apreciate it if you please didn't comment anymore, thankyou.
    • Re: I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

      you really do need to gain weight, at 6 stone your BMI (body mass index) is 14.4 (this is a measurement of your weight in relation to your height, now it really should be between 17 and 25)

      and talking to your mum about it may make her worry in the short term but if you left it longer then it would only be worse
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on
    • Re: I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

      You currently have a very unhealthy relationship with food/exercise and probably a dysorphic perception of your own body. You need to understand this can be very dangerous if you ignore it. You need to speak to someone right now. Your parents, an uncle/aunty, or even a teacher. Be brave. They can get you the help you need.

      If you continue down this path, you are going to become very very sick. Do you really think your family and friends would want that to happen to you?
    • Re: I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

      Karraa97 wrote:

      rodrigo: I can't though, telling mum would make her feel like a failure; last year I told her that I was cutting (stopped now tho) I just can't tell her this, I just need some support&advice x

      hipster: the information I gave was valid; anyway people aren't thick if they don't understand the imperial system they're bright enough to look for conversions... Just like you did! You really aren't helping so I'd apreciate it if you please didn't comment anymore, thankyou.

      If your worried about your moms feelings then don't tell your mom, but you have to tell someone.
    • Re: I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

      You currently have a very harmful connection with food or exercise and probably a isomorphic understanding of your own system. You need to comprehend this can be very risky if you neglect it. You need to talk with someone right now. Your mother and father, an uncle/aunty, or even a instructor. Be courageous. They can get you the help you need.........
    • Re: I'm not fat, I know that... But I just want to loose more weight!

      Feeling a little messed up about the way you look is pretty normal when you're growing up, you're not alone in the way you feel. Everybody feels like that at some point and it's important to realise that if you get help all these problems may seem silly 2 months from now.

      Your Mother undoubtably loves you to bits and I think eventually you'll need to tell her how you're feeling, she'll appreciate it and you'll not have to feel like you're hiding something.
      In saying that I get why you don't want to tell her now. Please be aware that what you've described is not a healthy relationship with food and that the way you're feeling is probably making it hard to look at your situation objectively.

      Here are things you need to change
      Dislike of eating food
      Binge eating
      Feeling like you need to excercise to work off excess food.

      This is typical behaviour of someone who is bulemic.

      Here are some good things
      You love cooking food
      You're a horse rider
      You're a dancer
      You're known for being skinny

      Clearly you're not overweight, or in need to loose weight. You're a horse riding dancer who can cook, that's cool. Please acknowledge that not everything is bad. My suggestion is that you write how you feel on paper so that it's all clear and externalised, it'll make it that much easier for the person you talk to to understand you. Then find someone to talk to, aunt, uncle, teacher, etc. Most schools have a councellor you can speak with.

      Chances are that after talking to someone you'll realise that your problems aren't as big as you think they are. How you're feeling now will not matter in 1,2,5 years time if you let someone help.

      jordan132;1506655 wrote:

      when i joined guys privacy i figured there would be nothing here except a hole in the wall to peak into the girls privacy