lads, i urgently need your help?!

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    • lads, i urgently need your help?!

      basically no guy that i have ever asked out has said yes.. and the only attention i get from boys is from the wrong ones :( people always tell me i am 'beautiful' and that they 'love my hair, its stunning' (not blowing my own trumpet but i thought i should be honest). so i dont understand why boys never like me more than a friend. i know that not every boy is going to like me like that, but just one decent boy is all i am asking! :( i look older than i am which is 14 but people have thought that i am 16/17. i have started to think that maybe i am not skinny enough(i have always wanted to be skinnier) as this boy keeps calling me fat 'for a laugh' and he is 'only joking' but i am beginning to think he means it. i am a size 10 but a 12 in skinny jeans.. (god i feel fat writing that, so dont judge) so i have gone on a diet to see how that works out! basically what i want to know is, lads, am i doing anything wrong?! and what do you find attractive in a girl? physically and personality wise?!? also if anyone knows a good way to meet lads out of school that would be greatly appreciated! :blush: thanks :)
    • Re: lads, i urgently need your help?!

      I'm going to be honest. Guys are going to be attracted to you physically at first. If any guy says different its a lie. Just like a girl will fall for a handsome guy. Though we all have are preferences it really depends. Physical attraction is the hook, but what keeps a guy really going is personality and characteristics. I think going on a forced diet is not healthy and if your doing it for a guy then i wouldn't advise it. To truly lose weight do it for yourself and block them other thoughts. You'll stress yourself out by doing that to your body. Simply watch what you eat and work outside the house more. Walking or jogging (Maybe in sweats first, before booty shorts. Though booty shorts are always a win. Except on old, fat, or too skinny girls with nothing to show in them).
      How far do you want me to suppress myself so that you'll be satisfied?