I messed up and now he's confused

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    • I messed up and now he's confused

      I started dating my first boyfriend four months ago, we ended up having sex two weeks after we started dating, but we knew we cared about each other and that we loved each other. My best friend of eight years decided that she could no longer be friends with me due the fact that i had, had sex. Which left me with him as my main friend, pretty much my only friend.
      In the months after we were extremely happy, most of the time, but some of the time we would depress each other. Nothing incredibly serious, most of it was me, and i do believe that it is because i have never had a relationship, outside that of my best friend, and so i dont really know how to handle my emotions. But i have been trying and things were getting better.
      But last night i got depressed, for no reason it just happens sometimes, and i really wanted to talk to him, but when he would respond it would be short and take a really long time, so then i asked if i could call and he just said he couldnt talk, i dont have a problem with that, it really doesnt matter, but he knew i was depressed so i kept trying to text him. And it was the same way, little one word messages or emotes, and then i asked if i could call again because it had been about an hour and he said he couldnt because he was playing a video game with his friend, and this really pissed me off and depressed me more. I really wouldnt have cared if he had told me that in the first place, but i had sat there getting more and more depressed and he couldnt talk because he was playing a video game.
      So then i kept trying to text him and i ended up saying i hated him, not really hated him, but at that moment, and he never replied. So this morning i started to text him again and it was kind of normal but not really, and i felt so terrible about it, i know i dont hate him, i love him with all my heart, and i kept trying to apologize and i asked if i could call and he said no because he was with his friend, i understand that its hard to talk about this stuff when your around other people. So i waited and we finally talked and now it turns out that because i said i hate him in some random flare of emotion that meant nothing he really doesnt know what to do, he says that when he read that it broke his heart. I had no intention of doing anything of the sort, i have never really had to consider what me saying something like that might do to someone and even when i said it i didnt think it would really matter, but now he's really confused and doesnt know how he feels or what to do.
      I keep trying to tell him that it was just me being stupid and saying something because i could, i know that's terrible but nothing i say has ever really mattered before, but he really just doesnt know. And now i'm afraid that he'll want to break up with me and i really don't know what i do if that happened, i know that i would live and that life would go on, but he has become and intricate part of my life. I told him that he should leave me because it would make him happier but i really dont want him to, i just want him to do what's best for him.
      I dont know what's going to happen now, i told him that i would leave him alone for aslong as he wanted so he could see if he could figure it out. But tomorrows monday and i dont know what's going to happen.
      If anyone has any advice that they think could help, i would be so unbelievably grateful :/
    • Re: I messed up and now he's confused

      Try to talk to him and tell him what you just said, you wanted to talk to him but he didn't cause he was jst playing a game. and cause of that you txt him with that you hated him.
      I think you did that just to see if he would reply, just to get his attention. right?
      Just tell him that you don't really like it when he doesn't want to talk when he's busy with friends and games and such.
      And again tell him that you do care about him and not hate him.

      Just tell him how you feel and that it was just a mistake cause he wasnt replying.
      I know this situation though, it can be better with talking and such.

      Ah right. and that your friend didnt wanted to be friends anymore cause you had sex is just stupid, its your choice, your body, your own business not your friends. Maybe there was some other reason for that, couldn't be just that I think, would really be stupid.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by black.star ().

    • Re: I messed up and now he's confused


      Take a chill pill and give him some space... Truth is, its not just the "i hate you" thats bothering him. Its the fact that you pulled what I call a "clingly pyscho bitch" moment on him. You harassed him with constant texting when he probably needed a breath of fresh air and then you told him you hate him.

      Its going to be fine but dont try to make decisions for him and stop being so clingy. When you say things like "you should leave me" 1. You're being unattractive and self-deprecating 2. You're kinda telling him he's not very important and disposable

      So CHILL OUT!! Make yourself a distress tolerance box for these crazy moments:

      Get your favorite shoe box or container and put "happy" things in it. Something to active every sense. For example, my distress box has 1. an ipod shuffle for sound 2. Starburts for tast 3. Perfume for smell 5. my favorite teddy bear for touch 6. A pretty puzzle for sight.

      Then put puzzles and other time consuming activities (a favorite movie, etc.) in to occupy your time so that when he's not responding you dont freak out.

      And dont feel bad, Im 25 and I was still doing that at 23.

      Itll be ok, send him an email or something saying "I adore you! I want you in my life but I realize i went a little psycho on you and that must have been very uncomfortable for you. Ive got it under control now, i hope you'll forgive me, and I look forward to hearing from you... XOXOXOXO" AND THEN LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!