Friends with a Teacher?

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    • Friends with a Teacher?

      So, before I begin, this is pretty long, but I need some help. I’m 15 years old, a FEMALE (regardless of my username). I’m in 10th grade, and I must say, I hold no inappropriate feelings (Romantically) towards this teacher.

      Let’s start at the very beginning. I’ve been a different kid since I was 11. I have an interest in older films, music, books, magazines, fashions ETC. Since then, I have found many that I can relate to, all online, all hundreds of miles away. I know there are some out there like me, I just can’t shake their hands, look them in the eye, see them every day, or even hear their voice. This has been an uphill battle of mine for almost 5 years. When I was in 8th grade, I had some friends, but they were never people I could be myself around, they were never really completely Okay with who I am. I think I fascinated them, and there were others who started to become fascinated, my teachers. I began to talk to them more frequently, and I still keep contact with some teachers, as friends. When 8th grade ended, my friends went to Catholic high schools. Unfortunately, since my parents were divorced, financial troubles were more apparent in my life, so Catholic high school was not an option. I ended up (For the first time) in a Public School. 9th grade was a mess: I ate lunch by myself, I had no one to talk to all the time, and I was alone in a room filled with people.

      As 9th grade ended, I was happy to have a summer to myself, but the alone feeling was worse, I would watch old movies all day and have no one to discuss them with; it was the worst feeling in the world. As 10th grade began, I had no idea what was in store; luckily, it was better then what I had endured in 9th grade. I walked into my new English class with a sneer; it was just more stuff that I already knew. I was delighted to find that I was wrong. I have the best teacher there is, he’s kind, caring, and he can relate to me. We talk about movies all the time. He and I have connected immensely. I can go to him with anything (all of my personal problems) and he’s just there to listen and offer tremendous advice.

      He opened a door for me as well: as we came to the middle of the year, I began writing poetry, I showed it to him and he ended up inviting me to a group of poets outside of school. We meet and read personal poetry. I use it as a journal most of the time, so my teacher has been able to learn more and more about me through my poems.

      I talk to him during lunch time, when I have some time in-between classes, and I stay after school sometimes to just be in his company and he always understands and is always there to talk and listen to me. I’ve seen some tough times; I haven’t had a solid friend in three to five years. The reason this is bothering me is because I don’t think I can have a friendship with a teacher, but I sure want to. Some may find it inappropriate, my parents and family know about my relationship with him and they think it’s a breath of fresh air for me to have someone to rely on, to talk to, to be there for me.

      I’ve talked to a lot of students about this subject, many are supportive, and many are confused and baffled as to why I would even want to be friends with a teacher. He has a great quality about him; he’s very positive, and being around him throughout the day helps keep me positive. He keeps me going, but there is always that one thing that stands in the way. My question is very simple: When I go on to another grade with new teachers and new students, will our friendship grow or become nothing at all? And would he want to be my friend? What do you think based on the way he treats me?

      Just FYI: I’ve told him that I consider him a friend, without much response from him. He started to treat me differently though: talked to me for longer periods of time, talked to me more frequently, asked about how I was, ETC.

    • Re: Friends with a Teacher?

      You're very lucky to have a teacher that cares.
      I suggest that you hold on to your friendship. There's nothing wrong with it, nothing it all.
      If you're worried about the age difference, then you should stop worrying. I find I get along with older people, too. That's just the way you are right now and it's perfectly fine.
      If you're worried about the fact that he's a teacher, then don't worry about that either. That's why teachers are there, but only a few actually care enough to connect with their students. Some would argue that a teacher is there to teach, not make friends. But what's wrong with doing both?
      Clearly, he's been a positive influence on you, and your family is not adverse to the idea. Keep being friends with him, and most importantly, be happy.
    • Re: Friends with a Teacher?

      You just found an endanger specie of a teacher who actually care for there students. It's great that you're friends, and it is important to have a friend that is older and wiser than you. Just one but, I would still recommend you to make friends with people your own age.
      Find a job you'll love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. - Confucius
    • Re: Friends with a Teacher?

      I have tried to make friends with people my own age, it doesn't work because they don't care for my interests. I've given too many people a chance and now I've found someone ready to give ME a chance. Thank you for the advice though, I'm sure that one person will come along who I can talk to and is my own age.

      ---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

      Thank you so much! It's great to finally hear that from somebody! I feel a lot better now about my teacher and I!
    • Re: Friends with a Teacher?

      If your parents are aware, and you dont get a gut feeling of discomfort, then embrace the friendship but dont close yourself off towards others.

      Im sure he'll remain your friend. I also had a male teacher i was very close too and his care and concern were the only reason i got through school.
      "Nothing ruins the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love" - Charlie Brown
    • Re: Friends with a Teacher?

      I have the same kind of relationship with my Biology teacher. I just consider it to be a good amount of understanding and respect between us, nothing more, nothing less.

      So you're definitely not alone in this matter.
      [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Hailey, 16, Pansexual [:[/COLOR][/FONT]