Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

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    • Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

      First of all, i just want to say I just made this account and I'm hoping this is how I make a post for other people to answer? :3
      But to the point, basically in October I lost my virginity with this guy- I used to be in love with and I thought- "hey why not do it with someone I had feelings for," now I'm not saying I regret it, but he has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. Yesss, I know how bad that is & pleasse don't start with that.. I'm in love with this guy, (yeah bad- I know) I really don't know what was going on through my mind.. but me and this guy are in a LD relationship.. I will hopefully see him this summer.. my question is, do I tell him the truth? That I lost my virginity this year, or can I just not mention it? Do you think he'll hate me? God, I sound like a 12 year old. Btw, I'm almost 16.. Thanks for any advice.. :confused:
    • Re: Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

      Your best to tell him the truth because even if he is a virgin he will be able to tell because one you won't bleed and two you won't feel as much pain as when you lose it
      And even if you trie and fake it you won't be able to
      Another reason is if you keep it from him it could cause a problem further down the line xoxo
    • Re: Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

      Bleed? I don't think that happens too much anymore but anyway, what are all these kids our age doing in these serious relationships like total exclusive(well, obviously not in this example). I think we're too young for that type of thing. I def think you should tell him but that's because I don't get why you wouldn't and why you would want to consider him your b/f if you're"in love" with another dude? I don't lie so maybe I'm not the one to talk. I have a few negative characteristics but I absofknlutely do not lie! Was the experience good? Hope so, move on and let him do so too. If you wanna bang each other casually go for it but you seem all caught up in a lot of deception.
    • Re: Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

      I would say telling the truth is always the best, he will find out sooner or later anyway.
      It's better to be honest now then if he finds out later somehow and knowing that you didn't said anything about it.
      If your not honest to each other then you can never fully trust each other.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

      What you did was wrong on so many levels. I suggest you take a look at your life and your sense of morality. Other people exist too, you know, and you can't just go around doing things and not expecting repucussions. I fully expect that this guy will dump you when you tell him that you slept with someone else. If he doesn't then he'll realise when he sleeps with you and dump you then.
      You can read one of my erotic stories at my site:

      When you've finished PM me on here and let me know how much you love them.

      Link removed by staff- inappropriate link.
    • Re: Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

      Tell him the truth. You are very wrong in what you did, you are being so unfair to your boyfriend, By this time let him know the truth. You don't have to worry what he will think of you or if he will hate you, if he loves you he will be pissed but still listen to your explanation and accept you.
    • Re: Do I lie or tell the truth? I'd appreciate more guy opinions

      Wtf? Realize you're not a virgin the first time....really? Fucked much? It just doesn't happen like that . Chicks don't necessarily bleed and a dude may not pop the cherry(hymen) after however many dudes . Also, if a dude is not experienced or a bad fuck he may cause discomfort anyway. I mean there's a lot of factors. I just don't get this whole soap opera reality show type of "cheating" vibe? Yea, you were deceptive and that's wrong. But I just think trying to live the illusive relationship thing at our age is unrealistic. I think it needs hellza more time to mature.
      ( no posters were offended during this rant. All opinions are that of the poster and do not necessarily reflect those of the teenhut. Any resemblance to existing real life circumstances are purely coincidental)
    • no you should just keep it to yourelf and if your Grilefrineds knows about it well you hope that she wont tell this guy.
      This guy doesn't need to know about your sexual activity , don't be scared if you lost your virgin doesn't need to know that, just keep doing what you are doing an you dont need to let everyone to know that you are not a verging anymore , are your Grilefrineds still virgin's ,,
      Some questions
      1. Do you think about othere female's.
      2. Have you had a sleep over an played game or end to kiss a female did you like it.
      3.can you send me some nudes photos or a vedio.
      4. Do you have a brother that's is tying to have sexual activity with you.
      5.what do you think about Masterbateing after haveing sexual activity do you feel like Masterbateing yourself when on is around. :P :whistling: :love: