My Mum

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    • Hey,
      Well recently ive been really depressed staying at home.. my mum is always putting me down, she knows im self consious and she calls me fat.. she does little things that she know will annoy me,so that i end up getting annoyed at her,and then she has a reason to go and get my dad involved.
      The other day i was crying and she said "whats wrong?" i said i wasnt telling her and she said she thought we was close.. which really annoyed me because afew months back her and my dad were going through some problems (my dads a little bit violent and shouts and gets annoyed at stupid things and goes over the top with his reaction) anyway like i was saying, because i knew how my mum was feeling, i comforted her, stayed up for 3 nights crying with her and told her about growing up and me self harming and stuff and then she goes and books a holiday.. just them two, it wasnt to sort things out because they was laughing and joking and i just felt betrayed by this..

      I started self harming again beecause im sick to death of her and everything going on at home..
    • What you need is a hobby, something that will make you get out of your house. My mom is in deep depression and she goes down on me for the same reason. A good hobby could be as simple as a gym. You kill four birds at once, 1) You spend less time at home and get less mad at your parents simply because you see them less. 2) You will lose weight and your mother will stop nagging you about it. 3) You will grow stronger and more confident in yourself and will be able to stand against your father. 4) You'll spend more energy working out instead of self harming.
      But thats just one possibility, there are a huge variety of hobbies that you can try to find yourself in.
      Find a job you'll love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. - Confucius
    • Agreeing, its a good thing to find a hobby anything to keep you busy.
      And I think you should just try to ignore your mom when she says those things, don't let her know by any way that it annoys you. Maybe if she will notice that it doesn't annoy you she will stop doing that.
      And if you have any problems you want to talk about talk with friends about it and avoid to talk with your mom about those stuff since shell make you feel bad after anyway.
      If you just ignore her and do those things maybe shell realize she just annoys you and needs to stop doing that.
      go out with your friends and have fun that will change your thought a bit and will leave your mind off this stuff.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Here is the thing.

      Even if you lose weight, she will still find other things about you to nag about.
      She uses you as someone to cry to when your dad is not on her side.
      When he is on her side, she will ditch you. Forever going forward.

      Obviously, they are using you as a cushion and punching bag.

      My parents were like this, and when i moved out to go to university, they had no one to manipulate and vent their anger, so the whole dynamic fell apart and they actually begged me to move back in with them.

      You are not your parents emotional punching bag.
      You dont need to be the one comforting your mom.
      They are the adults, not you.

      Dont worry about your weight too much as that is the superficial problem.
    • Hey,
      So sorry you are going through this ! It is natural that when we tell someone our inner most secret that we expect things to be different. We want em to treat us differently and better because we've divulged something so intimate.
      Despite being our parents, they are not always knowing when it comes to dealing with their kids because they know it is their fault mostly when we turn out messed up. They just sometimes find it difficult to acknowledge that. Understand that and try to move on from your mum.
      I would suggest you share your feelings with a friend. Pick carefully who you share it with though. Hopefully this good friend will be able to listen and hold your hand through it. Don't be disheartened if they don't, people are busy and have lives to live too. Just find someone who will, know that you need help and support, and know that you are worth the time, love and effort !!!