First time?

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    • First time?


      Me and my boyfriend are thinking about having sex for the first time..
      Hes younger,shorter and skinny with abs! :L
      whereas im Taller and chubby!

      The problem that im having is, im really body concious..
      Some people have said turn the light off, but its more my legs that i dont want him seeing because i have really horrible thighs!

      I am ready, im not saying this because im not ready and i think he's ready, it was his idea.

      another issue apart from my legs, is im scared that its a bad thing because he's younger (Hes in the year below) im scared if people find out then they'll class me as some sort of pedo (I Dont know why people would find out because its between us two but just saying if they did.)

      If you dont mind will you share you first time stories?? :P
      Just to kind off put my mind at rest? :L

      Were gonna use protection aswell :)
    • Re: First time?

      meg.loomis wrote:

      Well, I just have to say, I don't think he'll mind your body, if he did he wouldn't be with you :) he likes you, I'm sure he doesn't care as much as you think he does!
      And I don't think people would think you're a "pedo" as you put it. You're already with him, and besides, it happens more than you think ;)

      Agree with this.
      I think you worry way too much about it, ofcourse he likes you like the way you are like said here or else he wouldn't be with you.
      And you said hes only a year below? really thats nothing people wont judge you cause of that.

      Just dont worry about that too much, just be sure you are ready for it and so is he. then theres nothing to worry about.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: First time?

      talk to him about your insecurity. If he's with you and wants to be with you, then he obviously thinks you look good the way you are. But if you talk to him about it and let him know it's something you're self conscious about he can compliment you and make you feel better about how you look.

      For a first time story, I'm very insecure about my boobs. To me, or at least to society they're small. They're Bs. So I was worried what my boyfriend might think about how they looked because he's dated girls that I'd consider more attractive, including a model. I talked to him about it, in a joking manner. Eventually he got the idea that I'm insecure about them. He started complimenting them, payed more attention to them when we started doing things, and told me how much he liked them. It made me feel better, and I'm less self conscious about how they look. So by him doing this, when he did first see them I wasn't as uncomfortable as I would have been if I didn't talk to him about it.

      So just talk to your boyfriend about your insecurity. It might be difficult, but if you two can't talk about sex with each other, you shouldn't be having it.
      And no, you're not a pedo. :)
      [LEFT][SIZE=2]"Adapt and Overcome"[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [RIGHT]"Funny how the truth sounds so cliche"[/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT]~Jack Ingram[/RIGHT]
    • Re: First time?

      If he thinks your looks are more important than you, I honestly would recommend breaking up with him. However, if you are this far into a relationship then it shouldn't matter and it shouldn't go to that. I'm sure he is insecure about his penis size just like you are with your body's size. Go through this with him C;