weird situation

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    • weird situation

      so yesterday night i was with my friend Zack, we were smoking and playing MW3 as always and the appartment block's janitor knocked at my door. He came to talk about the car that I am selling... And he told me he was smoking a joint so i ask him if we could come over. He hesitates then accepts.

      We had a great time we watched fails on youtube and we drank and smoked like there was no tomorrow, he complimented Zack on how he looked and i could understand that, zack is a ladies man and he works out so i dont pay attention to that really.

      Then zack had to leave because he had school the next day, so it was just me and my janitor... We keep on smoking then we start listening to music, he shows me what he liked back in the day and i introduced him to SOAD and rise against and he really liked it. Then comes the part I find really weird, he goes to his son's room and gets an RC helicopter, it was nice it had pretty lights on it and it was fun to use, i mean I was high and this made me laugh my ass off.

      So it was getting late and he worked the next morning so i say goodbye with a handshake. But the kind i do with my good friends (pat on the back etc) cause you know i had a great time and figured out that he was a good guy. But when i come to pat him on the back he licked my neck... I didnt understand shit and it took me 10 seconds to realise what he just did, I was really discusted so I pushed him and said WTF was that????

      He says he did that because he hates having physical contact with his friends and that he says goodbye with the wave of a hand... But seriously wtf was that? So I took my shit and i left. But with hindsight he really looked like a pedophile cause imagine this: your 17 he's about 40, the guy invites you to his house so you could get high together, and he always makes you smoke and drink more and more even though you're already waisted, then your friend leaves and he takes a toy out... A fun toy that everyone would like but it strangely looks like bait for little children and then before you go he f***ing licks your neck.

      Is this guy a pedophile or what? He said he had problems with the law. I think that the only thing that stopped him from doing anything to me is my high tolerance with drugs, he got way more high than i did and way more drunk. I weigh 160 he looks like 110-120.

      Anyways this is too long please give me your opinion :p