Have i done something wrong?

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    • Have i done something wrong?

      I am confused and unsure of what to do. My ex girlfriend (Who was my first) I didnt get over for 2 years. Then one day i took someones advice and stopped contact. We were bestfriends and i promised to always be there for her, but talking to her made me depressed and having her on my mind depressed me. have i made the right decision in forgetting her and my promise? I am much happier for it, but am i being selfish? What do i do?
    • Re: Have i done something wrong?

      Once again, I related this same sort of matter with an ex boyfriend from abroad. I miss him an awful lot sometimes, and miss having someone who respected me more than what he could do. But...we all go through these difficult stages of 'love' and by working through this I know that one day you'll find a much more suited girl for you.

      I can tell that you care, but this could be something that you are clingy on. She may not feel the same. And your left to feel this. Just know that when we all meet someone who we think undrstands/ other we tend to want to keep them with us forever, even if the time has ended. Basically she will always be your first and good that you remeber her.
    • Re: Have i done something wrong?

      I don't think this is about right or wrong...I think you should just see it as doing what's best for yourself. IME, in these type of situations, it's good to place yourself first. She was your first girlfriend...and it took you 2 years to get over her. Talking to her and simply thinking about her makes you feel depressed. But now that you stopped talking to her you feel happier. Why should you suffer to make someone else happy? Don't you deserve to be happy too? Love should be to make two people happy. Also, I think it'll be good if you let her know how u feel.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by dannydodo ().

    • Re: Have i done something wrong?

      You should never make a promise that you cannot keep.
      I don't think it was the right way to handle it, but everyone makes mistakes at one point or another.
      Maybe you could explain how it makes you feel when you talk with her, and maybe you could instead email a couple of times a month to show her you care, but then you wouldn't be texting her and therefore thinking about her constantly.
      "The good thing about music is- when its hits you feel no pain."
    • Re: Have i done something wrong?

      I think you were being unfair to your former girlfriend/bestfriend in deciding to get off her to your life without giving her an info that you are about to cut off the communication between you and her. Even with just a last farewell will do if you have altered what has been done.
    • Re: Have i done something wrong?

      When it comes down to it you can be there for her when times are tough but still not be friends with her. You said you'd be there for her and to me that's saying she has someone to go to. She can still go to you and rely on you when things get bad but it doesn't mean you need to be good friends with her. That way you can have what you want but still keep your promise to her.
      Love Your Life:love1: