Could I be pregnant? Please help...

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    • Could I be pregnant? Please help...

      Ok so me and my boyfriend have been messing around lately. We have liked each other for a long time and we are very close. Everyone thinks we are perfect for each other, and my parents love him and his love me. He is my best friend. We are both 14.

      But anyways, like two or three weeks ago, I was giving him a handjob and then he took over (he masturbated) and he came all over me and might have gotten some on his hand. I'm not sure if he did. Then he fingered me really deep in. Also, when he came I got *** all over my body, and it dripped "down there". I quickly wiped it up though.

      Btw this was about a week after my period. Maybe a little more.

      For the last week, I have been getting slight cramps. I am more tired than usual. Also, my breats are sore.. And they have gotten slightly larger. They seem to have gotten firmer. I have noticed blue veins that I can see through the skin. Another strange thing, is that I rarely ever get acne. I have had my period since i was 11 and never gotten acne badly. And within this past week, I have had to use layers of cover up so people don't notice too obviously.

      Im scared that I'm pregnant. I don't get my period until a week or two...

      I haven't told my boyfriend yet of my symptoms, because I don't want to worry him. I'll tell him when/if I know for sure. I know he would stay with me but I am still very nervous...

      What should I do?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Veggie ().

    • Re: Could I be pregnant? Please help...

      Yeap what they all said... & even if he did have jiz on his hand it takes a hell whole of a lot of it to even get the chance to make it past everything. But relax you stressing that you could be pregnant is causing fake symptoms & if you are that worried take a test