Advice On My Problem

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    • Advice On My Problem

      I am so embarrassed, I am 15 years old, have Autism, and go to a private school. The Autism causes me to have severe Gas all the time. I normally Toot at least 45-50 times a day or more. Also if I hold it in it makes my tummy hurt REALLY bad. It really bothers me at school too and if I Toot in front of people it makes me really embarrassed and upset. I have tried going to the bathroom to Toot but by the time I make it there I cant let it out. Everybody teases me if I Toot in class too. Also, if I am in gym class or whatever and am running and jumping around, it keeps forcing the Toots out of me. Also, if I hold it in and my tummy starts hurting, if I am at home my mom will rub my tummy and do a little bicycling like exercise with my legs to make the Toots come out of me and make it feel better but thats impossible to do at school. What can I do to not be embarrassed and not have my tummy be hurting all day every day from holding it in?
      Also I have gone to numerous doctors and none of them have been able to help.
      Thanks in advance and please help.
    • Re: Advice On My Problem

      Dammit just let it out! Toot all over the place! People make fun of you! Toot in their face! Make it smell all bad and shit-like. Autistic people are freakin awesome!!!!!
      In a lot of ways it's our humor that allows us to conquer death. It's our humor that lets us live. Even if it's temporary, just for a day, it's survival. We have to rise above death. We have to laugh in its face.
    • Re: Advice On My Problem

      You have a condition and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Kids are just being kids, they're more immature than you and that's not your fault. People will eventually grow up and you won't have to deal with it anymore. Don't feel bad about how you are because you're just like everyone else. Everyone has something different about them and it's nothing to be ashamed of. If you're having stomach pains I recommend making a doctors appointment and explaining what's going on. They may suggest a change in diet or some kind of medication to help with this problem.