Sooo I was used..

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    • Sooo I was used..

      I was used for sex by a guy that I thought was my friend... The thing was we both where in relationships at the time. yes i knew it was wrong but my relationship was going down hill and his was going down hill as well because he was in a long distance relationship. but I thought he cared about me you know. he was doing all the things that someone i thought cared for me would do. i stared gaining feelings for him and i thought he did too... well we see where that went. one day he just came out of no where in front of my friends and was like "You think I cared about you don't you." and I said "yeah as a friend well at least I hope" the he said that that is all it ever was for him. then i asked him if all he did was use me for sex and he said pretty much. I was so hurt.. he also told me that the only reason he was so nice to me when I was upset was so he could get closer to me so he could get what he wanted from me... he didnt have to use me like that... he could have just told me how he wanted it to be. and even after everything i still want to be his friend.. his ex (girlfriend at the time) knows everything now and he wants her back even though she keeps telling him they are not friends and she is not talking him back. i think thats the reason he wont talk to me. he acts like he hates me and i didnt even do anything to make him hate me... she still talks to him like she is his friend and everyone acts like its okay for her to talk to him but when it comes down to me talking to him, everyone thinks im the stupid one... and the thing is, its my friends that fell that way.. he is friends with them as well.. we where all one big group... idk what to do anymore. my friends wont stand up for me when it comes to him because he is their main mode of transportation and free food...:( and tonight they are going to go stay at his house... I want to go so bad but i know I cant.. Im back with my ex now and me and him are happy but i still love they guy that did all this to me even though he never cared..