I'm alone now, in the worst way

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    • Re: I'm alone now, in the worst way

      Are there any other "outsiders" you could try to befriend? And what about your old friends? What were the circumstances under which you drifted apart? Could it be possible to reconcile with them?

      The best advice I have is don't give up; something better will come along.
    • Re: I'm alone now, in the worst way

      Hi Nicole! I'm Hailey. I'm glad to find someone that I can finally maybe relate to.

      I also live in a small town. Roughly about 2,000 people, Up North in Wisconsin. My story is a bit long and complicated. But basically... I was going through some really hard dark times. And when I needed my friends the most, they abandoned me. Now they act like they never even knew me. I can't make new friends, because in a small town everyone knows everything about everybody. Gossip spreads like wildfire. Nobody likes me anymore and I'm constantly judged. Even though I've made many improvements in my life. But nobody cares to see that. They just wanna keep holding on to the past and whatever negativity they can.

      I too, know what it's like to be alone. I've had to deal with some really f***** up shit, and it would've been so nice to have a friend. Just to have someone listen. If you wanna talk, Message me. I would love to share some of my story, and listen to yours.

      Hang in there and keep your head up. Don't let anyone get you down. Cause they're not worth your time or the space they occupy in your brain. Put your energy into new, better things. Don't let yourself linger in the past.

      ~ I'm just a message away.

      ~ Peace, Girl. <3