When the guy you like likes someone else

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    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      Littlemissteenager, I am going to repost what I previously posted about the "what if he says no" stuff. You were probably too nervous and didn't read through it.

      " But anyway, IF he says no, which is of course not what you want but let's face it, it can go that way, then you can simply ask for you two to remain friends.

      Often when a guy and a girl are friends they sooner or later become lovers (although I am not generalizing here) so you must keep your distance and not tell him everything about yourself, because he will have nothing more to discover about you and will get bored, and the same will apply to you. Keep the "mystery" touch between you two, make him be curious about you, and it will most certainly work (although do not take my words for granted; every one is special and has a different way of doing/thinking). "

      Good luck!

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      I done it!! I told him!! And u were right I feel amazing now!! I was like sorry if it makes things awkward and he said don't worry I'm not going to let things get awkward between us! So now my friend who told him knows which means I can talk to someone in the same situation and he knows is completely cool with it and said he will only tell someone if I ask him to! I think I have a chance!
      Any ideas how I could get him to ask me out? :)
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      I am very happy for you Littlemissteenager :)! Good job! I know how you must feel right now, it's amazing!

      Now one thing; don't rush this situation too much. Stay cool, he knows, you feel good. It's an extremely good sign (regarding what he told you) so just be careful and observe every move or what he tells you! Now it is 1000x more important than it was before, because he knows that you like him. Although you must NOT be a stalker!

      Now that he knows I think that you can wait a little bit and see what happens between you two. Yeah, the society made it this way, the guy asks the girl out. So now you have 2 options:

      1. You wait and see what happens. He might ask you out maybe in a day, or in a week, or I don't know how much time. Let's hope that he does share your passion and love and feels the same about you. So this first option is to wait (but there again don't wait like 1 month; look out for signs).

      2. You can act; but don't be too obsessed with him or a stalker. Wait 2 or 3 days and talk to him, ask how he is doing, and if he would like to hang out maybe watch an interesting movie or go out for dinner. I know it sounds cliché, but hey, you're 14 after all, it will be perfect! If he accepts, then great! One thing that you must know is to never, ever kiss him on the first date, or to let him kiss you. I know this sounds weird, but if you do this right away, he will probably think that you're an "easy girl" and will lose interest. And this way you will keep that "mystery" I was talking about running between you two.

      Good luck, and tell us if there's anything interesting or new!

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      CocaineCowboy wrote:

      But yea, start talking to other guys and he'll naturally want to be with the girl that all his friends are talking with and BOOM!

      That would actually be the worse idea in this case.

      Jealousy does not guarantee success. If she starts talking / flirting with other guys, then the guy will just think that she made a joke about her loving him, and will pay no more attention to her.

      Plus that "miss popular" thing is never a good thing either. Littlemissteenager wants the guy to be with her because of love, not because of popularity or the way in which other people see her.

      I do not say to be 100% devoted to him, but because you like him, you should be aware that everything that you do can be potentially turn against you.

      Good luck!

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      Today we were out with someone else but she had to leave so me and the guy took a walk by ourselves. We were talking and I asked him if he would go out with a girl even though he likes another one.He said he thinks if he tried it would work but he wouldn't do that because he and the girl he likes are going to belguim with the school together in a couple of weeks and if they got close it wouldn't be fair on the girl he was going out with.But we stopped and sat and talked for a whole then when I said what time it was he couldn't believe it was that late.The time flew in!But he gave me a hug before he left and talked about how he trusted me. Not really sure what to make of this.
      What do you think?
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      Hey there!

      My guess is that he really seems to care about you, if we carefully examine what you previously described, then he totally has something for you.

      The "leaving with the girl thing" can have 2 options; either he only tries to see your reaction because he probably likes you and would like to see how you would react to him going to another country with another girl (and mostly to see how much you like him in return) OR maybe he really likes the girl and is going with her to Belgium, and just mentioned that to tell you so that you know.

      Which of these 2 are currently taking place, I cannot tell. All I know is after what you described, there is a lot more than friendship between you two. Usually, guys (and I know it because I'm a guy myself) do not show that much affection unless they have a kick for the girl or just really like her.

      I cannot tell if he friend-zone you or not, but he most certainly didn't in my opinion. Yes, the hug and the whole "I trust you" thing may sound like friend-zone, but I think that even if it is the case, t\there is a way out of it. As I previously mentioned, do not be like an open book to him! Do not tell him everything; be mysterious! And he will surely want to know about you more, and hell, be with you as well!

      Good luck!

    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      all i would say is you can try telling him that you like him. If he has any respect for you or even likes you back then he'll be yours :)
      another thing don't try to change yourself so that he likes you back cause, that's not the real you... be real
      the person who really likes you will value you and he might even come and tell you that... and that's most important :)
      good luck :))
    • Re: When the guy you like likes someone else

      Hey guys!
      Ino it's been ages but here's an update of the situation.
      I'm in S3 now and the guy I liked and still like likes me back! Our school is making us have a ceildh and its mandatory(during school hours) and he asked me if I wanted to go so I said yes! He then told me about a week later and a day after telling my best friend and a few people we are both friends with he likes me. I was thrilled when I heard this! He had asked me if he asked me out what would I say just before telling me he likes me and I said I would say yes. It's been about a week since he told me he likes me and nothing else has happened! I am waiting and desperate for him to ask me out! Loads of people (probally like 25 or something) now know he likes me and everyone knows we are going to the ceildh together, loads of people have been asking me if we are going out and people keep on telling both of us we are really cute together and we should just hurry up and go out already. I'm so desperate for him to ask me but he won't!
      Then yesterday this happened which might have knocked his confidence;
      My friend(one who knows) and her friend(a girl I talk to sometimes and get on quite well with) were talking and my friend said why won't they just go your they're so cute!(this is also the friend that also liked him but she says she is really happy for me) and the other girl said because she is fucking gorgouse(I think she only said that cause she was talking to my friend) and he is just ugly! But one of my really close friends who was behind them said that the guy was there and she doesn't know if he heard them or not.
      I just really like him and apperntly he really likes me. Is there anyways I can get him to take action on it and ask me out? Thanks again for your help guys!