bad ways to end a relationship

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    • bad ways to end a relationship

      Have you ever been with someone, that you thought you loved?
      A lot of us have....

      My exboyfriend and I had been together for 2 years... during the second year we became very close... less then a week after he told me he loved me.... he sent me a text message around midnight.... explaining how he was sorry and still wanted to be friends but we were through.

      I felt like I had given him my heart and he stabbed it, and stepped on it... and then spit on it!

      I've long since gotten over that... but has anyone ever broken up with you or ended a relationship in an awful way???
    • Re: bad ways to end a relationship

      Well after being cheated on for 3 serious relationships in a row and then being one night standed by a girl I was getting really close too (she just had sex with me and then never talked to me again) it kinda broke me inside.

      Life goes on though, you live and learn, but I used to be alot nicer than I am now.
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