who to choose? HELP ME PLEASE

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    • who to choose? HELP ME PLEASE

      hi everyone, i hope you're having a great summer :) so there is this guy i've liked since forever but we've never had something real and he seems to like me too but recently he's been a bit of a jerk nad pretending he doesn't like me sometimes and others he looks like he loves me, and there is this other friend that well he is cute, funny, and i can talk with him for hours and i saw him yesterday and it looks like he likes me, i can tell because of the aww so awesome way he looks at me. even though, i can't help thinking about the other one so... waht to do??

      stay beautiful

      thanks :)
    • Re: who to choose? HELP ME PLEASE

      Its always hard because you want both, but you just have to really think about it and decide, just think in terms of who would be best for you in logical terms, the second guy seems like the better guy to me, but it is you're choice, once you have made the decision then ask him out, easy as that :)
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    • Re: who to choose? HELP ME PLEASE

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      yeah that really isnt a good idea as funny as it might be

      Guys always fight over girls, just not physically. I think you are taking this a little too seriously, so I'll be blunt so you can understand me.

      Want to know why girls act helpless around guys they like? It's to give the guy a chance to show that he likes her. This is a good strategy because it makes even shy guys come out of their shell. For instance, if a girl pretends like something is too heavy, then that gives a shy guy an excuse to carry it for her and then a conversation starts more easily.

      Get it now? Don't take everything a girl says so literally.
    • Re: who to choose? HELP ME PLEASE

      senatorjohndean wrote:

      Guys always fight over girls, just not physically. I think you are taking this a little too seriously, so I'll be blunt so you can understand me.

      Want to know why girls act helpless around guys they like? It's to give the guy a chance to show that he likes her. This is a good strategy because it makes even shy guys come out of their shell. For instance, if a girl pretends like something is too heavy, then that gives a shy guy an excuse to carry it for her and then a conversation starts more easily.

      Get it now? Don't take everything a girl says so literally.

      No offense but I have SERIOUS doubts that all girls are that insecure. Why can't people just use communication?

      Like "Hey, I like you, we should hang out some time." You could argue that it's not that easy but it seriously is. I don't need to be carrying something heavy of yours just to start a conversation.

      Instead of telling people not to take things so literally maybe you should stop thinking that you have to be figurative. If you treat dating like a game you're just gonna get played. :nono:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Globalization ().

    • Re: who to choose? HELP ME PLEASE

      senatorjohndean wrote:

      Guys always fight over girls, just not physically. I think you are taking this a little too seriously, so I'll be blunt so you can understand me.

      Want to know why girls act helpless around guys they like? It's to give the guy a chance to show that he likes her. This is a good strategy because it makes even shy guys come out of their shell. For instance, if a girl pretends like something is too heavy, then that gives a shy guy an excuse to carry it for her and then a conversation starts more easily.

      Get it now? Don't take everything a girl says so literally.

      Yeah that really isnt good advice either, funny as it is.

      Some guys like the shy/insecure type girls and like to be the man, expecially if they are shy themselves, but thats not always the case and I dont even think the majority of guys like girls like that, expecially if it makes them guess all the time.

      Its sexy when a girl has confidents and can just tell a guy what she wants or just speak her mind, because then it takes any doubts out of the guys mind about what she might want etc and makes him feel a hell of alot more relaxed and also makes him enjoy being around her more because he doesnt have to guess at what she wants, rather than being around a girl that expects him to pick up on small details or hints to figure out what she really wants or means.
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