Am i anorexic?

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    • Am i anorexic?

      I would want some insight on whether i am anorexic or not. I calculated my BMI today, and it said i have serious anorexia. I have never had anorexic thoughts, so it's really strange. :confused: I mean, i want to GAIN weight, not lose it. How can i be anorexic if it's so? Also, something that worries me are my arms. For this week, they have been much thinner than usual. They just suddenly got thin. :confused: I am sick though, with angina i think, and depressed, too, but could that make such a radical decrease in my arm muscle size? :confused: It really worries me, i hope someone can give advice. I am worried i will wither away and die overnight, that i won't wake up anymore. :( If someone can help, please do so. :(
    • Re: Am i anorexic?

      You're not annorexic in the way you think you are. Your weight is obviously not healthy, you should definitely try to get on a diet where you can gain weight. Or, I would try to visit a doctor and ask what he thinks, or maybe a nutritionist.

      But like I said you're not the annorexic you think you are, if you want to gain weight, then you obviously don't have that mental problem that annorexics have.
    • Re: Am i anorexic?

      Samppa wrote:

      Hey, thank you for the answer. That's relieving to hear i don't have anorexia. I am an ectomorph, so my body is naturally skinny, and i can't really gain weight with the crappy food we have. :( But thanks, i will try. :D

      You're welcome :) And see, it's perfectly normal for you to be as skinny as you are! As long as you don't feel tired or weak throughout the day, you're just fine. :)
    • Re: Am i anorexic?

      Anorexia normally means that you purposely don't eat due to mental problems. An anorexic person normally looks at themselves as fat even though they are dangerously underweight.

      Due to the information that you have given, you are not anorexic. It does seem that you do have some health problems however. I think you should see a doctor as soon as you can and see if they can give you some advice and maybe some vitamins for you to take to build up your muscles again.

      Best of luck to you! :)
    • Re: Am i anorexic?

      Thank you all for the answers! And yes, i used to work out, but i have been slacking off a little lately... :rolleyes: and right now i can't even, i'm still ill, so i don't want to cause physical stress to my body, someone said that it can lead to the infection of the heart sac or something. But, thank you all! :D Oh, and yes, i think i eat like a horse, i have no problems eating although i am ill and sometimes it hurts to swallow. :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Samppa: Forgot something. ().

    • Re: Am i anorexic?

      Samppa wrote:

      Thank you all for the answers! And yes, i used to work out, but i have been slacking off a little lately... :rolleyes: and right now i can't even, i'm still ill, so i don't want to cause physical stress to my body, someone said that it can lead to the infection of the heart sac or something. But, thank you all! :D Oh, and yes, i think i eat like a horse, i have no problems eating although i am ill and sometimes it hurts to swallow. :D

      Eat like a horse, but don't eat bad stuff :cool:
    • Re: Am i anorexic?

      In addition to some majorities advice and suggestions, I recommend you to visit and see a nutritionist for more informative recommendation and solution for skinny matters of yours . I also do agree with others that you are not anorexic , your maybe having an acute size of your stomachs leading you to lose appetite. Do set in your mind that you should take lighten action which there no much of force exertion. You must take proper sleep in a day.
    • Re: Am i anorexic?

      If you used a BMI calculator, they do not have the answer of anorexia - it's either underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obesity.

      Anorexia is a psychological disorder which causes you to have terrible thoughts about food which leads to refusal of eating, or constantly seeing yourself as fat when you are not. < You said the complete opposite by wanting to gain weight.

      Depression may lead to weight loss, as well as stress which is also something which can effect angina.

      Go to a GP, they'll be able to diagnose you better than teenagers on a forum.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
