Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

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    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      this story crosses a lot of grey areas and i dont know if there really is a right or wrong answer for this. This guy did what most parents would and should do, which is to protect their children. i honestly think most parents would kill for their children. in my heart i feel like i wouldnt arrest this guy because i cant say for sure what he did was wrong. the deceased is a child molester, therefore he is scum of the earth. they dont keep guys like him in general population in prison because inmates kill people like him

      Rachel brings up a valid point that in a lot of states you are able to defend your own life by taking another. but thats where theres that grey area i was talking about. as messed up as it sounds, his daughters life, nor his own, was in immediate danger. But he beat the guy to death in a fit of rage, and IN THE EYES OF THE LAW he went too far, took a life, and is now being charged with manslaughter. Its the right thing to do. Like i said though, im sure he will cut a deal with the prosecutor, or be acquitted by a jury due to the circumstances of the case.
      My Name Is Johnny Truant. I Like Rock And Roll.
    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      Jerryy wrote:

      That's the problem with you guys... violence should be a last resort, not the first

      you're right i'll just politely ask him if he wouldn't mind leaving my child alone.... no that's ridiculous.... in certain situations violence is absolutely necessary... this being one of them
    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      Jerryy wrote:

      The man didn't die a couple hrs later in the hospital either.. he died before responders got there

      I missed that part, probably the most convincing part i've read in favor of the guy getting some charges.

      I still feel it's sort of like Johnny said, I think I would aim to kill if a grown man was gonna hurt my child like that and human history is full of parents doing pretty insane things for their children's sake.

      My personal opinion has to do with the victim of the crime; a child molester. I know it's not the way the law works but I really don't care to defend the rights of someone like that.

      My viewpoint is probably atypical, though.. to show how I think i'll compare it to the texting case again.

      This case:
      Man, in fit of pure rage, kills pedophile who was going to hurt his daughter

      Texting case:
      Man, on impulse of self-gratification, distracts self from the heavy machinery he's operating, allows it to hit and kill other man following the rules of the road

      One victim was reprehensible and the perpetrator was acting in response to his behavior.. the other was doing nothing wrong and the perpetrator acted on his own impulse to receive attention given to him, stopped driving appropriately, and this resulted in the death of someone innocent.

      My own conclusion about this case after reading everyone's opinions (all pretty valid! =P) the man probably should suffer some legal repercussions. It's pretty hard to kill someone entirely unintentionally and ignorant of laws.. But emotionally I feel he was pretty well-excused in his actions.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Ben Venomous: Added a final thought ().

    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      run101 wrote:

      you're right i'll just politely ask him if he wouldn't mind leaving my child alone.... no that's ridiculous.... in certain situations violence is absolutely necessary... this being one of them

      <implying that's the only other way to.go.about a.situation like this..

      Ben Venomous wrote:

      This case:
      Man, in fit of pure rage, kills pedophile who was going to hurt his daughter

      Texting case:
      Man, on impulse of self-gratification, distracts self from the heavy machinery he's operating, allows it to hit and kill other man following the rules of the road

      One victim was reprehensible and the perpetrator was acting in response to his behavior.. the other was doing nothing wrong and the perpetrator acted on his own impulse to receive attention given to him, stopped driving appropriately, and this resulted in the death of someone innocent.

      Never thought of it like that-good point
    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      JohnnyNY wrote:

      this story crosses a lot of grey areas and i dont know if there really is a right or wrong answer for this. This guy did what most parents would and should do, which is to protect their children. i honestly think most parents would kill for their children. in my heart i feel like i wouldnt arrest this guy because i cant say for sure what he did was wrong. the deceased is a child molester, therefore he is scum of the earth. they dont keep guys like him in general population in prison because inmates kill people like him

      Rachel brings up a valid point that in a lot of states you are able to defend your own life by taking another. but thats where theres that grey area i was talking about. as messed up as it sounds, his daughters life, nor his own, was in immediate danger. But he beat the guy to death in a fit of rage, and IN THE EYES OF THE LAW he went too far, took a life, and is now being charged with manslaughter. Its the right thing to do. Like i said though, im sure he will cut a deal with the prosecutor, or be acquitted by a jury due to the circumstances of the case.

      1st. The man wasn't an intruder in the home... just to.clear that up
      2nd. The man was 'molesting' her.. for self defense you have to be in fear of your life. You could argue the dad was in fear of his daughters life but face it... the molester wasn't strangling her ir trying to kill her

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jeremiah ().

    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      Jerryy wrote:

      That's the problem with you guys... violence should be a last resort, not the first

      If you saw your own little girl, at the helpless age of 4, about to be raped then what the hell would you do? A polite "Gonnae no dae that?" as us Scots would say? Call the police and wait patiently for them to come? No, you would be pissed off. Aggression would take over and your mind would be numb. The guy probably didn't even know what he was doing until it was over.

      Humans are animals. As much as we have laws imposed on us to keep our primitive instincts in control, we still have them. A mother tiger isn't going to hesitate killing another animal in a blind rage should it dare threaten her cubs. We aren't any different. The man was protecting his offspring

      Just ask yourself; What do you do when genuinely full of rage. Don't you dare say "I don't have anger issues". You don't need anger issues for this kind of thing to happen, you just need to feel the need to protect the ones you love.

      Anybody in the jury can probably relate if they have children.
      Unhelpful and proud of it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Razzamoly ().

    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      Rachel..What I would do?

      When I see the man on top of my child id throw him off and pick up my child and bring her outside to saftey. I would then call the police.

      If you are thinking I would risk my future with my daughter by beating a man till he dies, in front of her.. no.. I wouldnt...

      ---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

      Razz same goes to you

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jeremiah ().

    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      +1 raz's, we *are* animals and i think this is more a case of instinct than reason. 'Blind rage' does happen.

      I think we'd only know how guilty he was if we were there, also.. what did the man witness to enrage him so?

      ---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

      Jerryy wrote:

      Rachel..What I would do?

      When I see the man on top of my child id throw him off and pick up my child and bring her outside to saftey. I would then call the police.

      If you are thinking I would risk my future with my daughter by beating a man till he dies, in front of her.. no.. I wouldnt...

      I also felt this.. if i'm ever in a situation this bad, I hope to do the right thing by my loved one and not give in completely to my instincts or anger.

      I bet that's what the man feels guilt about more than anything here.
    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      Jerryy wrote:

      Rachel..What I would do?

      When I see the man on top of my child id throw him off and pick up my child and bring her outside to saftey. I would then call the police.

      If you are thinking I would risk my future with my daughter by beating a man till he dies, in front of her.. no.. I wouldnt..

      how could you say that unless you were in that situation? i dont think ANYONE could answer a question like that so matter-of-factly.


      My Name Is Johnny Truant. I Like Rock And Roll.
    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      jerryy..... that's a really good point...
      and that is definitely a better way to handle the situation...

      ---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------

      no johnny he brings up a really good point!
    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      run101 wrote:

      jerryy..... that's a really good point...
      and that is definitely a better way to handle the situation...

      ---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------

      no johnny he brings up a really good point!

      On paper, it's a much better way of dealing with it. The molester gets put away (hopefully for his whole shit life) and the father's future doesn't hang in the balance.

      Ask yourself though; would you have enough self-control at that particular moment to actually concentrate on thinking and think that up on the spot? When you're angry, your thinking power can be very limited.

      EDIT: Like I said, you may not be able to think straight in that situation. You wouldn't be thinking about possible, non-violent solutions to the problem, nor would you be thinking about the risks in the future (the father is a prime example - he regrets what he has done). You would probably act on your instincts.
      Unhelpful and proud of it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Razzamoly ().

    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      ^^^my point exactly. its easy to say youd act cool and collected from behind a computer, but you could never know how you wopuld react unless you were in the situation. there have been cases of mothers who were literally able to LIFT CARS off of their children. think about that for a second. I have a feeling in a situation like that, you dont think. you just act. if its in your nature to not lash out in violence, so be it.

      ---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

      but i think not everyone has the same luxury of being cool and collected in a moment where you need to make a decisive action like that.
      My Name Is Johnny Truant. I Like Rock And Roll.
    • Re: Man finds someone molesting his daughter - kills him. Should he be charged?

      Razzamoly wrote:

      On paper, it's a much better way of dealing with it. The molester gets put away (hopefully for his whole shit life) and the father's future doesn't hang in the balance.

      Ask yourself though; would you have enough self-control at that particular moment to actually concentrate on thinking and think that up on the spot? When you're angry, your thinking power can be very limited.

      EDIT: Like I said, you may not be able to think straight in that situation. You wouldn't be thinking about possible, non-violent solutions to the problem, nor would you be thinking about the risks in the future (the father is a prime example - he regrets what he has done). You would probably act on your instincts.

      "Non-violence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be inseparable part of our very being."

      My instinct wouldn't be violence in that situation... it would be protecting my child... and starting a fight with the attacker is the opposite of protecting her..