Girlfriend advice!

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    • Girlfriend advice!

      Okay so quick back round, Im 15 and im in the second week of my first real relationship. We both loved each other a lot, when I asked her out. So its not like its just a one crush relationship.

      This is where the first problem comes in. She was feeling bad the other day and being clueless but loving I tried to make her feel better that morning. I then realized that she was on her period.

      This is the first time Ive had to deal with this, even though I have a sister and I already know how it works out. All I am asking for is some advice on what I should do. I love her like crazy and all I want to do is the best thing for her and our relationship together. Any advice would be appreciated. Should I not talk to her unless she texts/calls me? Should I try to make her feel good?

      P.S. Shes been on it for a few days and today she text me for the first time just asking if I think her hair would look good if she changed it. I said I liked it the way it was but it would look good at the same time if she changed it. We normally talk a lot but not the past few days.

      Sorrry for the long post but, guys and girls advice would be greatly appreciated :D :)
    • Re: Girlfriend advice!

      I would give her the space, but at the same time
      If you are allowed to go to her house I would go buy a thing of her fav ice cream & if you don't know get something with chocolate in it
      most girls go through a chocolate craving when they are on their period... lol
      & bring either a really funny or girly movie over and watch it with her and when its over kiss her goodnight and leave o.o
    • Re: Girlfriend advice!

      1. Love doesn't happen like that.
      2. She is on her period and...? Treat her the same as if you would any other day.
      3. At your stage of learning, a little guideline would be to initiate conversations in odds. She does, then you, then her, etc. Soon you'll know her enough that you should be able to tell on your own judgement as to when to contact her.
      4. If she's feeling down, of course cheer her up and try to make her feel better. Don't be too pushy, because as others have said, she might need the extra space as well.