How do i know if he's still interested?

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    • How do i know if he's still interested?

      I met a guy almost six months ago. We got on really well and it was obvious that there was chemisry between us, i was immediatley strongly attracted to him which had never happened before. He was not like all the other guys i had met, he was kind, interested in who i was and was very gentlemenly. We got talking, exchanged numbers and started to speak everyday. We were very natural with each other and i was convinced it was going to turn into something serious. However he suddenly started to be more and more interested in sending pictures etc... this would have been okay if we were actually seeing eachother and had been for a while, but we hadn't even been on a date yet. I am very insecure about my body and felt alot of pressure from him to send a private photo of myself to him, no matter how much i liked him. I told him how uncomfortable i was and he baced off, we still spoke everyday but the pcture thing popped up again and he kept going on about an exchange of photos, to be honest i really wasn't interested adn so it didn;t bother me. I then talked to him about my insecurities and he was so open adn lovely that i caved in and sent him a picture of my in my underwear, he said he thought i was beautiful etc, and i felt more confident about myself. BUT he then didn't speak to me......once. I deleted his number and cut him off. However i didn't realise how deep my feelings were because no matter how hard i tried i could not forget about him, i was thinking about him every day. So i decided to facebook him and start talking again. he replied but was boring and self centred. I then messaged him again and he was the same, he said he was going out and i said that i might see him around and he replied with 'cool' I ahve no idea what has happened but i feel like i physically repulsed him adn now have noe confidence with anyone! I hate myself again and yet i still can't stoop thinking about him! I dont' know whether he is still interested or whether he even liked me in the first place. what should i do???? i need help
    • Re: How do i know if he's still interested?

      I'm so sorry! I have MAJOR insecurity problems as well, and also had something like that happen to me a long time ago, as soon as i showed this guy a pic he stopped talking to me. After him i met several others who just wanted the same thing. NOTHING is wrong with you, the guy just got what he wanted and went onto another girl.. its nothing against you personally, he probably does the same thing to many other insecure girls, i'm really sorry it happened to you though, forget about him, hes a douchebag and doesnt deserve you.