To Kiss, and Kiss Well.

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    • Re: To Kiss, and Kiss Well.

      Uhhh kisses can be what really kick starts a relationship in the right direction:) smile just a little before you lean in, if she kisses you back grab a part of her (hips, neck, cheek...) keep your lips a little tight and in control, not loose and slobbery. When you are done making out lean in for one more quick peck and that will be your "finishing move" :)
      Take that girls breath away!!
    • Re: To Kiss, and Kiss Well.

      At the end of the day, although a first kiss with a girl/guy is dreaded by many, once you get down to it, it usually just comes naturally:) Make sure you keep breath mints on you etc. Don't start off by immediately shoving your tongue in her mouth, lean in 90% and leave her to close the remaining 10% distance. Close your eyes just before you get there. you can start with your hands on her waist or wherever. just slowly lean in and brush her lips and then just fall into the kiss, it should come naturally from there, not really sure what else to say :L
    • Re: To Kiss, and Kiss Well.

      Over the years, my kisses have varied with different guys. I used to let the guys take the lead and then work my way around it - that became their kiss.

      However, with my current partner it all depends on the mood - day to day it tends to be gentle kissing which we both found natural to us instantly.

      It all depends on you and your partner.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
